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FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Crucible
I couldn't get to him. I thought I could help, but I failed. I don't think he can be saved after all. You know he's escaped and you know how dangerous Spectres are. If you see Tom, give him the only mercy we can. Please.  -Kate

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Appreciation
Words are incapable of expressing my thanks. I owe all of you more than I could ever hope to pay. Lazarus Redux will always be open to you, it is now your home as well as ours. I'll get you staff badges tomorrow so you can come and go as you please. It's the least I can do. Also, if it's any consolation, I'm hopeful about Tom. This can work. It has to!  -Kate

FROM: Hoyt Masterson
TO: All Crucibles
SUBJECT: Spectre Activity
We have reports of increased Spectre activity in Speedway (near the track), 21st and Post, around 65th and Michigan, and southern Broadripple. We're sending teams to investigate and we'll keep everyone posted. Please report any new hives if you find them.  -Hoyt

FROM: Grace Ishidia
SUBJECT: 1st Meeting
It's on! Tomorrow night, IUPUI Football Stadium. Be there or be hopeless on your own! Haha!  -Grace

FROM: *&%*%^%^
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Reckoning
"I lift my hand to heaven and declare: As surely as I live forever, when I sharpen my flashing sword and my hand grasps it in judgment, I will take vengeance on my adversaries and repay those who hate me. I will make my arrows drunk with blood, while my sword devours flesh: the blood of the slain and the captives, the heads of the enemy leaders." -Deuteronomy 32

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Good Luck
I can't thank you enough for rescuing after Tom for us. Be careful down there, pull out if you need to, and remember... don't kill Tom. Please.

FROM: Chet Mason
TO: Crucible
I know what Kate is asking of you, most of us do. I wish I could come, but I'm way too busy training these pussies to survive with so many unfriendlies out there. If it is possible to help Tom, I think we ought it to him. I know I do. But if it gets too hairy in there, don't hesitate to do what's necessary. We've lost too many to their side already.

FROM: Zoey Vitt
TO: Crucible
I can't believe you guys are going after Tom. BE CAREFUL. I'm a little worried about Kate's plan, but to be honest, I'm a little more afraid of what will happen to her if she doesn't get this chance. Bring him back in one piece, I don't think she'll be able to handle it if you don't.

FROM: Lazarus Redux
TO: All Crucible s
SUBJECT: Thank You
Although we couldn't wrestle the tower out of Spectre hands, you all did excellently providing support for relief workers and preventing Spectres from gaining more territory within the cordon zone. You should all be aware that the "back-up" Spectres supporting the tower hive are now moving back into the city proper, with many specifically following victims and volunteers back to hospitals and homes. Be careful out there.

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: All Crucible s
SUBJECT: Ongoing Efforts
The two office buildings have finally collapsed and we believe no civilians were inside at the time. The Tower is mostly covered with rubble and it seems most inhabiting Spectres were trapped insided or destroyed by falling debris. Some sort of distress call triggered however, and Spectres throughout the city are rushing to the hive's aid. Steer clear of the epicenter at all costs. Lazarus Redux and all volunteer crucibles will continue to hold our library outpost, but most of our energy should be spent supporting relief workers and gathering intel on Spectre activity.

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: All Crucible s
SUBJECT: Quake Response
After nightfall, Lazarus Redux's senior staff will be coordinating Search and Rescue missions into the National Guard's cordon area. There will be no pay for this, but I urge any that are able to meet here and sign up for duty. You will receive all the usual benefits of being "on the job" and the satisfaction of helping stray spirits and hitting the Spectres where it hurts!

FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Special Request
I know you guys took a pretty hard hit earlier today, but we could really use your help tonight. If you want to take it easy, and I'll definitely understand, you can always hang back here and help coordinate/direct all the youngsters. If you want to get back in there though... we could really use some high quality intel on what's going on in that tower. Where'd it come from and why and how?! Why do the Spectres want it so bad? Is there anything in we can use?

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