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The Quick and the Dead are forever connected, perhaps more than either care to realize. What happens on one side affects the other. Many bits of information learned about one side of the shroud can, for those paying attention, illuminate a mystery on the other side. This page is dedicated to local news reports from the characters' home turf, Indianapolis.

8.14.07 "A massive shootout took place outside of the Holy Rosary Church last night. To make a strange event even stranger, the shooters were such high-profile 'spooks' as Anthony Russo and Father Norman Shepherd. After a police investigation, the two famous, or infamous, projectors were cleared of all charges."

8.9.07 "The young kidnap victim Emily Rhodes was released from the hospital this morning and returned to her family. Her mother thanked everyone for their prayers and stated, 'they obviously worked. Emily won't stop drawing pictures of blonde haired angels!'"

8.2.07 "An unexplainable earthquake, eerily similar nightmares shared by so many residents, rising crime rates, and increased reports of malicious 'hauntings', Reverend Cale O'Reilly claims that end is coming..."

7.26.07 "Life in Indianapolis beginning to return to normal since the curfew has been lifted, emergency workers are finally getting the cordon area under control and Meridian Street Methodist Church will hold a public service on Sunday for all the affected families. While the final death toll from the quake is still being calculated, sporadic crime throughout the city has reached new heights. The violence of the earthquake is long over, but it's emotional effects are beginning to surface. As criminals and victims alike attribute crimes to 'malevolent spirits', leading psychologists assure us that the city is simply exhibiting textbook symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder."

7.19.07 "estimate the number of religious 'pilgrims' gathered around the epicenter at over 200 now. The onlookers unceasingly plead to gain entry into the 'holy site' and examine some 'divine relic' that can apparently be seen only by the 'enlightened'. On the bright side, the destruction and chaos downtown has led good samaritans across the city to pitch in however they can. Renowned civic leader, Clem Wallace of Wallace Construction, just announced that his company will begin steps to demolish the residential criminal haven known as Mayfair Greens. All efforts will be out-of-pocket for Wallace and he's talking with other community leaders about replacing the rundown tenant building with a new park."

7.12.07 "The National Guard has made it very difficult to get inside the cordoned area, so there's unfortunately little news of the devastation within. A few survivors have wondered out, but there are still many people trapped inside. The presence of the National Guard keeps the looters away, but fanatics from many of the city's stranger religious groups have set up vigils and worship services outside the cordon now as well."

Interested in reviewing news stories from the good old days? Click here to check out the Archives page. Sometimes, remembering the past is the key to surviving the future.
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