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This page logs messages and information from the mysterious Radio Free Death. Anytime you see an underlined message you can actually listen to broadcast yourself. You don't even need to be on pigment!!

8.14.07 "Shit is going down and I can't even come close to keeping up with all of it. I'm glad you guys took out Bishop, but that hasn't stopped the Spectres from multiplying like roaches. The fucking hives are everywhere now and I know nothing good will come from that. Some military oufit has shown up with all kinds of spooktech, but they seem to be on our side for now. This 'Jigsaw' bastard is recruiting and that makes me all kinds of uneasy. Fuck!"

8.9.07 "Your pals at Redux are coming, most if not all of their Freedom Fighters should show up as well. Hell, we even sent a runner to the Blasphemers. Maybe they'll show up! You guys are still down for security detail, right? Bring those NextWorlders too, it should be a good night. To be honest, I HOPE we get attacked. We'd never be so ready to throw down as we would with ALL of us there. Team based ass kicking goes a long way toward solidarity..."

8.2.07 "Save for a grumbly De Groot, everyone's ready for the meeting Sunday night. I'll do must of the talking if you wish, but I could definitely use you guys there to back me up. A couple famous faces just might be the key to get this little project off the ground!"

7.26.07 "The big football stadium at IUPUI is where we'll have the meeting. I think about 3 weeks from now will be long enough to get proper word out and get everyone together. I could really use you guys for security, this will be the largest gathering of friendly spooks in 3 years!"

7.19.07 "Spooks all over the city are reporting increased agitation around the local hives. I don't think the bastards appreciated your help with the tower. Watch your backs downtown, a couple people mentioned seeing a Reaper that looked a lot like Sean. He's back and I think he's pissed."

7.12.07 "That was one hell of a quake. That tower is definitely from the other side, but it's already crawling with Spectres. It'd be nice to get a look inside, but I don't see how that's going to happen. The storm doesn't seem to affect the Spectres at all. Hell, most of 'em seem fucking delighted! And be careful skimming in the area, some of these new Spectres like to snatch empty bodies. No one knows what they're doing with them."

Interested in reviewing the older messages from Radio Free Death? Click here to check out the Archives page. Sometimes, remembering the past is the key to surviving the future.
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