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FROM: Kate Dennison
TO: Crucible
Good job with Terrel&Squib. It's nice to see that everyone made it back okay. With them gone, it'll be even easier to do what needs to be done. Stop by the brewery when you get a chance, we've got something to show you.

FROM: *&%*%^%^
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Almost got him!
He's shaking in his comfy office chair. He knows you're coming for him and he knows you're bringing that bitch with you. I only wish I could be there to see his face when he realizes how greatly he failed Her!

FROM: Norman Shepherd
TO: Crucible
I had an interesting visit from a Reaper last night, she was looking for Sean. Is everything alright guys? Is he in some kind of trouble?

FROM: Kelly Michaels
TO: Crucible
You guys are really going after them, huh? I tracked down some of the old information I had gathered, some of the stuff I used to make the deal with Orpheus. If you want, I can bring it by. I'd love to pitch in on the next assault as well!

FROM: A New Pawn
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Gearin' Up
If you guys are going after T&S, it might be nice to pack some gear with you. I've got a bit of ghostshot saved up that I'd love to put to good use. Let me know if you guys want to use it. Also, anything (or should I say everything) you can liberate during or after the attack, I would be more than happy to fence for you. I'll give you a healthy "finder's fee", of course.

FROM: Myo Han
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Thank You!
Liaison has been very nice to me. They took me almost as well as my own government. I told them that I know, They will give me a new identity quickly. They told me that I will not with you when I had a new name. I want to thank you for all you have done. Maybe now I sleep no evil dream.

FROM: Tom Cleary, DEA Special Agent
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Good work.
This guy is a gold mine! We've obtained a ton of useful information regarding shipping, storage, contacts, etc. It shouldn't be too hard to nail T&S once we decide to move, but it's still going to take some time and planning to pull this thing off. You're specailized skills could be very handy once we get the go ahead. Interested?

FROM: Blink
TO: Crucible
I just knew you guys were worried sick about Craig. Good news then, we found him. Clever bastard called up his stain at the last minute that disguises his vitality. Damn Spectres thought he was one of them and moved on. Good trick! We've been working our asses off trying to clear the Red Hart hive. Within about a day the hive itself seemed to spawn another wave of Chitters, but we managed to hold out. A few other Spectres showed up as well, but we ran them off. For now, it looks like they've accepted their loss. "Tell me again why we're doin' this, Kate?" "For the future," she says. Same answer every time. Bitch.  ;-)

FROM: A New Pawn
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Job Opportunity
The shipment I need will be transported in a U-Haul and will be coming down I-70 sometime Saturday. The boxes I need will be marked TS1586, 87, and 89. I know it'll be coming through sometime in the afternoon, but it could be sooner or later depending on the driver.

FROM: Nyunt Myo Han
TO: Crucible
My colleagues tell me, you find dea with pigment. I know that all the pigment. Growing pigments in Burma. In exchange for protection. I will tell you everything I know. I do not want to paint anymore growth. This is too dangerous.  -Myo Han

FROM: A New Pawn
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: Job Opportunity
A big money private collector just ordered some special gear from T&S. The equipment's going to be brought right along I-70 next week and I'd like a few of the boxes to fall off the truck, if you know what I'm saying. I'll give you $3k for the job and you can have anything else in the shipment.

FROM: Grace
TO: Crucible
SUBJECT: RE: Parties
Thanks for trying. The night went to shit real fucking fast. We're glad to hear you guys took care of the Spectres at the Haunted Palace. Nice job. There's a lot of new hues out there that owe you one. Keep us posted and we'll do the same!  -Grace

FROM: Kate
TO: Crucible
Have you guys seen him? He's not really himself right now. I'm afraid he's going to do something bad. Please, if you see him, give us a call as soon as possible. Please. And be careful, he's pretty angry.  -Kate

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