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4.24.07 - Shape of Hell to Come / Nature of the Beast -      We finally talked Sean out of dealing with the Blasphemers. Crazy guy. I don�t know how doing a �job� for a gang can end well. We oh so politely declined their offer. But I have a feeling we�ll be hearing from them again. With any luck, their ire will stay down and our retribution will be based on gang principle alone.
     We paid a little visit to the military academy. Who knew pigeons could be so creepy. Tubby waddling birds with beady black eyes a perfect disguise for a nasty Chupacabra. Looks like T&S fumigation of the place has proven to be less than effective. Damn Spectres just won�t let go. Let�s just say that the number of Lost Boys alone could have proven to be a challenge for the three of us. Russo brought the building down in our half-assed attempt to muck up the place while making a hasty escape. The building rumbles to the ground and to our shock and horror that Spectre mortar stuff has left behind a dark reflection of the school. To top off the situation, the Spectres seem unaffected by Russo�s theatrics.
     According to the trainers, Mayfair Greens is showing signs of Spectre mortar too. Great, two Spectre nests complete with shadowy spook structures just what we need. We found another spook building at Central State, but this one just looks like a dull reflection of the original place. I wonder if there are more of these places in the city or if there will be more in the near future.
     Concluding our night out on the town, we paid a little visit to the Six Deuce. It�s time to get those guys off projectors� backs and out of the pigment trade. We came up with a decent sorta plan to puppet the leader and turn him in to the proper authorities, and if we�re lucky get a pigment bust. As our plans never go, as they should, Sean got a bit spunky and a shot to the head later; there went the plan and Football. We found pigment materials in the basement as well as a Hue and spook cats. We took our leave, Hue and kitties in tow, and a made phone call to the DEA. Drug bust completed and our work here is done. Just another day in paradise.

4.17.07 - The Hunt for Clara Zuckerman - Clara Zuckerman. Poor girl's been through alot in these past few months. Thankfully, she's safe now. No more running and hiding for her, she can stop looking over her shoulder all the time and jumping at the smallest noises. She should be able to start calming down and getting her life back in order. She's tucked away at the Holy Rosary Church, under the watchful eye of Father Norman, and I can't think of a better place for her to be. I don't know how long we can keep her there though, or how long she'll let us, but for now everyone seems  amicable toward the current situation. I wonder if she's heard the good news about Thomas yet? I'm sure it'll brighten her day when she does.

Sean arranged a meeting between the Blasphemers and ourselves last night. I have to admit, I was a bit excited about getting the opportunity to talk with a flatliner face to face. I also have to admit that I was sorely disappointed. The man was a buffoon. Here I was expecting some calculating mastermind, someone who was nigh omniscient, but all I got was a puffed up two-bit wanna be gang chieftain. The other one, well, lets just say that if he had moved an inch in Celest's direction, it would have been the last inch he moved. Scum, both of them are worth less than the dog shit I stepped in this morning. We should just get what we need from them then throw them away like the offal they are.

Sean's talking about crashing a Hell's Angels clambake for those assholes. Can't say that I agree with that, though I can't disagree with there being that much less heroin on the streets. He's walking a slippery slope with these dirt bags, and he's got us tied to him. That's well and good for him; I just hope we'll be able to catch him if he slips instead of getting dragged down with him.

4.10.07 - What's Mine is Mine / History Repeats Itself - We followed the kidnappers directions to an old abandoned farmhouse. Sure enough, Grandma Pibble was inside, strapped with explosives. And the death merchant who was responsible for her kidnapping was watching us. Yeah, some of the explosives were fake, but the five pounds of C-4 underneath the house was real enough. It would've been bad, but for some Juggernaut speed to grab Grandma and run as fast as possible. Wish I could do that in real life; I'd've been great in the NFL! The downside was that the guy started sniping us from a distant watertower. Quick action by Spite took the guy out, and the crew drove away while placing a call to Osario. Eventually, these Death Merchants are gonna have to raise their prices. Too many of them keep getting eliminated.

We also decided to eliminate the ghost of Theodore Walters. Some help from Joey directed us to a a ghost who was attacked by some guy in a bright orange jumpsuit. Sure enough, I found Theo tracking a woman back to her office. Dude's gotta realize that a bright orange jumpsuit just isn't good urban camoflage. Celest forced Theo out of the body, while I got him in a full nelson. Russo and Emma took turns beating the crap out of him. He was a tough one, even went Spectre on us at the end. Not a good feeling, that. Felt like I needed a shower afterwards.

Right now the sun seems to be shining. A nice sunny Monday afternoon. Good way to start the week. Lets see about grabbing some food. Killing bad guys makes me hungry.  -Sean

4.3.07 - Stolen Lives - I thought she would have been more of a badass. Guess I was wrong. I suppose it�s true what they say. The dark side is not stronger, easier sometimes, but not stronger. We put that doppelganger bitch down like she was nothing. If only we had gotten to her sooner�. No time for regrets now. Got to keep moving.

      We successfully retrieved Sean�s body. We got him back much sooner than anyone could have anticipated. Unfortunately, the safe haven has been compromised. The specters finally showed their ugly heads. Yeah, they know where we are. Couple of NextWorlders met an unexpected end, and the rest, well they went a little out of their heads. Fuck you Friendly Angel. We�ll see you again. The safe haven will have to be abandoned for now; it�s no sanctuary.

      I wonder if anywhere is safe anymore. Will we always be running fearful and confused? I just want answers to the vast series of why questions. But for now, keep your head down. Do your own time, stay safe, and always keep fighting. The answers are out there. I can feel it. Maybe just maybe we�re asking the wrong questions.

3.27.07 - Stalking Madame Cassandra - Madame Cassandra, yeah, a real piece of work.  Sure, she could see spooks, and she even helped a few.  But how in the hell do you see a fetch and say "Hmmm, well, that looks pretty holy to me."  Hounds of the Lord my ass.  

So, we got to the station and I puppetted her.  Confession in front of a live audience (and, what, a dozen viewers at home?) is good for the soul.  There had been a bomb planted in the studio, and whoever our nemesis is was going to have us, the Psycho Six, implicated in the resulting deaths.  Fuckers.  We got everyone out, no innocents hurt.  We got to deal with the Hounds though.  And a chupacabra hiding in Cassandra's dog, Fluffy.  Police and firemen were called in when the bomb went off, and I'm thinking Cassandra's gonna have a shitty night in jail.  I'm betting her backer is gonna be paying her a visit to settle the score.  The lesson here is: Don't make deals with the Devil.  

Thanks to Father Norman's warding of the studio, more fetches couldn't get at us.  At first I thought that was a good thing, since Russo got his ass handed to him.  But the spectres found my body and took off with it.  So now "I'm" running around doing bad things to nice people.  Not such a good day for ol' Sean.  Celeste talked me down from going hunting right away, and probably stopped from falling to spectrehood right there.  I owe her one.

We're holed up at Father Norman's church, where we had saved his staff from some ass-hat skinhead Death Merchant wannabes earlier.  I think he's gonna stay here for a while.  The church needs some repair, and the staff will need some help coping with their ordeal.  I'm sure his parishoners need some support, too.  

Osario's getting a call.  Hopefully he can help us out a bit.  Those with bodies are gonna get some food and sleep.  Celeste and I are gonna stay up.  How can a ghost sleep?  Ain't got a body to rest.  There isn't a TV, and listening to Russo's scanner for clues to Celeste's doppleganger or my body is pretty boring.  We'll probably end up playing euchre with Russo's tarot deck.  Fuck, I hate euchre.

3.20.07 - The Siege of Oak Park - I stepped away from the window rubbing my eyes, trying to stay awake. I looked at my watch. 3:17 AM it said. I headed into the kitchen to get myself a cup of coffee. On the way I passed by Sean, asleep on the couch, television on, tuned to some infomercial featuring a washed out boxer and his grills. As I went to shut the TV off, I glanced at Sean again. He looked so peaceful, like he didn't have a care in the world. You'd never guess that only a few hours ago he was making deals with the Blasphemers or throwing (actually throwing!) Lost Boys into Father Norman's wail.

"The kid has a good heart, his intentions are in the right place, but his methods...well, they're not the way I'd do things," I thought to myself, "he does get the job done though."

"Just have to get your head on right is all," I said out loud as I shut the TV off and went into the kitchen.
Velikov (I couldn't call him Sasha without chuckling to myself, it made me think of that Johnny Cash song) was walking in from the other room as I entered.

"How's it going?" I asked him.

"Not too bad," he muttered, looking at my shoes, "I just wish I had my computer here."

"We've got three here, go ahead and use one of ours," I offered.

"Thanks," he said, "I've used them all already though. They aren't the same. It doesn't...feel right, ya know?"

"Nope," I chuckled, "but I can take a good guess."

"You did good back there in Oak Park, helping us figure out what was going on, and pointing us in the right direction," I said, "what you told us about three years ago is interesting too, I'm glad you made it. I know you've got some issues to deal with, and I want to let you know that myself, and the rest of the team, will be there to back you up."

I noticed his eyes get a far away look in them and he started fidgeting a bit. "Just let us know when you're ready," I said hurriedly.

"...thanks," he said.

I waved goodnight to Velikov as I strode out of the kitchen, mug in hand. As I was walking down the hall, I decided to pop my head into Emma's room to see how she was doing. I knocked on her door twice before I stuck my head in.

The first thing I noticed was how much everything seemed to glow. It took a second for my eyes to adjust and for me to realize what I was staring at. Her room, her ENTIRE room, was covered in tin foil! The walls, the ceiling, the floor, all of it, totally covered!

"Sometimes I wonder about you Emma," I said to myself. She was a sweet girl, once you got passed her quirks. Sure she wore a tin hat around town and mumbled ceaselessly to herself about one agency or another and their plans to take over the world. Sure she had a group of friends just as nuts as she was.

"Sure she's saved your ass," I reminded myself. Some of her theories have even ended up being right. You just had to filter out all the crazy to get to her brilliance.

As I closed the door and turned to head to my room, I came face to face with Norman. He raised a quizzical eyebrow at me. All I could do was shrug and give him a smile. "Just tucking everyone in," I said as I walked past him.

"Of course Anthony," he muttered, giving me one of his "I know what you're doing, and I don't approve" looks.

"Honest!" I exclaimed. I stretched my arms over my head and gave him a nice, long yawn, "Time for me to be hitting the sack too, see you tomorrow Father."

"God Bless" he replied.

As I entered my room and set my cup down, I couldn't help but smile. We'd just saved who knows how many kids, put a suburb's troubles behind them, helped Velikov lose one of his tethers, AND our names are getting cleared. I allowed myself to relax a bit, it felt good. I laughed out loud then, grin splitting my face almost ear to ear.

"Things are starting to look up."

3.13.07 � Vengeance is Yours � The meeting with Osario was a bust. NextWorld projected to interfere, and three spectres showed up. Russo managed to punch a Reaper into oblivion, but a betrayal by Daggot led to Russo, Father Norman, and me being in FBI custody. Daggot sold us out for a few grand. Might be the last mistake he makes.

        Our escape from the FBI was facilitated by me jumping into Osario to lead the FBI back to the meeting field to pick up evidence and by Russo inhabiting the building. I beat Osario up a bit, but in the end honey worked better. He's actually a decent man once you get past the "Orpheus is a deadly cult" thing. Between the evidence we found and some shared memories of the Orpheus attack and e-demons, I got him to back down a bit. But he wanted proof of NextWorld's involvement.

        An RFD message about NextWorld mercs on the southwest side proved fruitful. Apparently there was some sort of civil war, where half of NextWorld wanted to take the commission to off Orpheus, while the other half said no. Guess which side won. But we've got a few allies now in 6 refugee mercs, and we bonded when a NextWorld kill team tried to take everyone out. We took out 4 sleepers, and I grabbed some intel from a dying merc. Funneled it to Osario, who promptly set up a raid on a downtown hotel. Sounds like there was some interesting stuff Osario found, hopefully enough to clear us.  

        The wyrm is turning, but it might be because we've grabbed its tail. The team is staying strong, but I enjoyed feeling that merc die. His life force slipping away while I probed his mind. His last thoughts were of people I'll never know, and fear. I don't fear death anymore. I'm friends with it, that's kinda scary. And it didn't help that my last words to the dying merc were "Does it hurt?"  -Sean M.

3.6.07 � Spectres, Lies, and Video Tape � After returning from a month at the safe haven, the Crucible decided the first step was a meeting with surviving members of the Training Staff. Surviving trainers include Kate, Ben, Blink, Tom, Annie, and Chet for sure, though it's assumed that the others made it as well. The trainers are also fugitives and are likewise working to clear their names and find those ultimately responsible.

The next decision was to investigate the FBI's local office. The FBI was being staked out by enemy spooks which were waiting for the Crucible to make an appearance. While the Crucible dug up information from the FBI, the enemy spooks moved through the building, killed FBI personnel in effort to further implicate the Crucible, and then attacked. The attack was merely a smoke screen for another spook that was attempting to "hitch a ride" back to the Crucible's safe haven.

Though the enemy spooks were stopped, the Crucible did bring home one of the DVDs with doctored footage of the Orpheus Massacre. The footage wasn't doctored at all, but instead harboring a malevolent E-Demon that created the image of the Crucible destroying Orpheus. The E-Demon was destroyed, but does the Hive-Mind now know the location of the Crucible's safe haven?

2.22.07 � Orpheus in Wane � A vicious attack by NextWorld brought the world�s largest projecting firm to its knees. Orpheus is gone, and with it the characters� support network and safety net. The Crucible is now completely on its own. Failure and success rest on their own shoulders alone.

In addition to losing its employer, the Crucible also suffered losses closer to home. Celest Stone was projecting during the assault and the Sleeper cradles were among NextWorld�s primary targets. Though her body is lost, her spirit lives on, determined to take revenge upon her enemies and uncover the many mysteries regarding life after death.

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