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2.22.07 "explosion in the factory district seems to be linked to none other than the pharmecutical giant Terrel&Squib. Recent evidence has uncovered a paranormal research facility constructed under the facade of an abandoned packaging factory. The lab also seems to explain disappearances among the homeless communtiy since several of the vagrants' bodies were recovered from the ruined T&S facility. Authorities are still uncertain about the explosion's cause and T&S has yet to release a public statement."

2.13.07 "Surprisingly, the winter weather did manage to bring a breakthrough in the city's hunt for pigment. Malcolm Frost, a reported member of the Six-Deuce gang, was arrested today in an eastside home. He was found in possession of several hundred dollars in stolen property, over $50,000 cash, and the largest amount of pigment confiscated to date. Are we a step closer to seeing the end of Black Heroin? Only time will tell."

1.30.07 "After several Saint Mary's orphans witnessed the brutal beating of one of the nuns on staff. The Orpheus Group arrived shortly after and they assured reporters that one of their specialized teams found the 'hostile ghost' responsible. We're not sure how much is true, but I suppose time will tell if the ophanage's horrors are truly over. Perhaps Oprheus will determine the cause behind the city's disappearing homeless population next. They're well on their way to becoming our very own 'Scooby Gang'."

1.23.07 ". . . yet another tragedy at the Saint Mary's Home. That, coupled with Tuesday's gang shooting, is simply adding to the growing shadow looming over this city. The rising tide of violent crime has led to a few new initiatives within the local police departments. Agent Jesse Osario of the FBI's Critical Incedent Response Group is heading a special training program for local officers. Osario says the Indianapolis police force is unequiped and undertrained for work in a city with such a highly climbing crime rate. He promised that the local police guarding our streets 2 months from now will be 'more than capable of handling the worst possible situations'. With the increased activity from the Blasphemers and the Six Deuce Gangsters, we can only hope our newly trained officers will be enough."

1.16.07 "Anyone downtown Friday night was sure to see the fire trucks outside Chains. Alerts at the local goth club were only false alarms, but the fleeing crowd did have many interesting things to say. A few club-goers claimed to hear a shrill scream and several more watched as three assailants battled a 'werewolf'. The story became even more unbelievable when firefighters checked the Chains bathrooms and found the remains of a girl that could only be described as 'shredded'. Although a variety of pigment paraphernalia may account for some of the wilder testimonies, the girl's body has the cops understandably baffled. Maybe it's time to call Orpheus to look into the city's new 'werewolf' problem!"

1.15.07 "Another suicide at Saint Mary's Home for Orphaned Children has the sisters baffled. Local religious groups are up in arms at the tragedy, urging capable families to adopt these poor children before their depression increases. At least six children thought to be the most suicide prone have been transferred to nearby orphanages with less . . . history."

1.9.07 �The rising pigment problem is still more than our police are equipped to handle. Despite four convictions for possession this week, authorities are no closer catching dealers are suppliers..."

1.2.07 �After three weeks the police have yet to release any further information regarding disappearances within the city's homeless population. Authorities seem to be baffled, but many human rights groups claim that they simply aren't trying . . . On the plus side, a recent breakthrough in one of last year's unsolved rape-murder cases led to an arrest on Saturday. Robert Scoble was apprehended as a suspect awaiting a DNA comparison to evidence from the 'Rose Girl' murder. According to the police, they were tipped off by a native Private Investigator. At least someone doing some good police work around here..."

12.19.06 �The city's most talked about new business has reportedly hired in a new batch of employees. The Orpheus Group's own Public Affairs representative, Margaret Burns, assures us that the fledgling company is here to stay and that they will seek to improve the way of life in Indianapolis however they can. Despite such reassurances, rumors about underhanded dealings continue to be a hot topic around water coolers everywhere."
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