The Story So Far

Mysteries Revealed

Unsolved Mysteries

In The News

In "Other" News

You've Got Mail

Faces Of Death

Non-Orpheus Groups

Future Sights


Orpheus Lexicon


Portents of the Ashen Crusade: (Orpheus In Wane)

1. The deep animal snarls come from behind you, but no matter where you look the creature remains hidden.  You begin to feel something exhaling hard on the back of your neck like a large winded beast.  You feel its hot breath condense into moisture on your neck.  When you try to wipe it off, your hand is covered in blood and flies.

2. You�re riding on a subway car with the wall outside streaming past the windows.  Everyone in the car is minding their own business.  Suddenly a spider strand of gauze passes through the car.  Nobody else seems to notice but you.  Another strand hurtles through and catches your arm, pinning you to the back of the car.  Then a dozen other strands pass through, pinning you even further.  You watch as the webs begin to cover everything around you, as you struggle against them you begin to hear the spider coming towards you.

3. Dozens of puppets are dancing and move around each other, but their strings begin to twist and knot on the other strings.  Soon the puppets aren�t dancing but are jerking around violently, their strings have become a growing tangled ball.  Soon some of them just hang limp because they�re so knotted.  Eventually they all hang limp and forgotten.

4. It�s the middle of the business day downtown and the streets are full of people.  Suddenly, everyone blurs to a halt, freezing immediately.  Only you seem able to move around�..and the animals.  Dogs, cats, and birds stop then look around and then scatter in panic.  The air behind you screams, but before you can turn around, something strikes you to the ground.

5. You return home on a night when the clouds are thick, and the sky explodes in bursts of thunder.  The house is empty, however.  Blood streaks paint the corridors and floors.  You run to the baby's room, you can still hear her cries, when you enter everything becomes silent.  The baby's cradle is empty and stained with blood.  Suddenly, someone bursts into the room, he rudely blinds you with the lit flashlight in his hand.  You hear the cop yell, "Freeze!"
Are you curious about what the future holds?  Here's a peek at things to come. Whatever happens, the characters must stay strong, keep moving, and always remember "DON'T LOOK BACK".
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