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Lazarus Redux Spooks

The newest dead firm to hit the scene, Lazarus Redux seems to be doing all the right things for all the right reasons. Unfortunately, this puts them at odds with EVERYONE else.

Controlling Partners:

Kate Dennison � Banshee/Skimmer � "Next time, don't -- I repeat, don't -- ask how it could possibly get worse."

John �Blink� Carruthers � Wisp/Sleeper � "Hell, at least Dante's Inferno was interesting."

Affiliated Spooks:

Ben Cotton � Poltergeist/Skimmer � "It's a good thing I don't believe in God, cause this place would just fuck me up good!"

Annie Harper � Marrow/Spirit � "Blink, remember when you first looked on the Wasteland and said, 'Hell, at least Dante's Inferno was interesting'? Next time, how about being a little more careful what you fucking wish for?"

Tom Hayes - Orphan-Grinder - "You're not going to like this now, but you can thank me later... Ladies and gentlemen, I think we have another good guy on our hands."

Chet Mason � Skinrider/Skimmer � "First learn your rules of engagement. Then decide if you want to follow them."

Freelance Crucibles

Lazarus Redux isn't the only group out there fighting the good fight. Projectors and spooks alike have a natural tendency to band together and a few have become organized enough to function as fully qualified crucibles! Here are the more famous (or infamous) names that keep popping up.

Mi Famiglia Leader - Leonardo Grue - Wisp/Skimmer
With all 5 members between 15 and 19 years old, Mi Famiglia is usually underestimated by spook and Spectre alike. That mistake is often fatal since, with the aid of pigment, most of them have been projecting for several years! Mi Famiglia focuses most of it's time on liberating low ebb ghosts.

Exorcist Mobile, LLC Leader - Bertland Roberts - Norm
After graduating, Bertland used his psychology degree to help T&S projectors cope with their jobs. When T&S went under, he started a support group for astral projection, met three skimmers, and immediately incorporated. Exorcist Mobile specializes in possession cases, using the slogan "Ghosts evicted, always discreet."

The Dragons Leader - Aaron Dobovsky - Poltergeist/Sleeper
The Dragons met years ago at the White Dragon Wing Chun Kung Fu Studio. Between Wednesday Night Kung Fu and Friday Night D&D, they became close friends. Once Aaron learned that Lazarus Redux rented sleeper cradles, the Dragons found a way to fight the festering disease taking over the city. Saturday Night Liberation Raids have been a lot of fun!
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