The Story So Far

Mysteries Revealed

Unsolved Mysteries

In The News

In "Other" News

You've Got Mail

Faces Of Death

Post-Orpheus Groups

Future Sights


Orpheus Lexicon


Supporting Characters

The characters are not alone. The city is populated with a host of personalities and some seem willing to offer assistance. Everything has a price, though. Will the crucible be willing to pay it?

Yanique Caudra - Transcended - "You are all gonna die ya know? Sooner dan you tink too. Yessir. Da puzzleman gon come and take ya wid him. And you got ta go. It's the only way to help..."

Dr. John Carpenter - Norm - "I see three possible explanations for the origin of the Grandmother, but their all bad. Hopeless even."

Coldheart - Spectre - "Life is struggle and this... afterlife... is but a pale and arduous extension of the same. What I want is simple. I will release this world and all those in it from eternal torment. I will bring peace."

Terrence "RFD" Green - Haunter/Spirit - "<STATIC>Free Death. We're going through. Wish us luck<STATIC>"

Grace Ishidia - Phantasm/Skimmer - "This place looks like no nightmare that I've ever seen and all of them, all at once."

Jacob Kohl - Phantasm/Spirit - "Withdrawl was only the start of my problems."

Lady of Fate - Unknown - "Tread lightly young spirits. Beware the ripples you cause..."

Dr. Nicholas Spite - Wisp/Spirit - "On a large enough scale, destruction always leads to creation."

Desmond "Perry" Turner - Skinrider/Spirit - "Decided to head straight for the source and troll for relics over there, huh? Cuttin' me out as the middle man. Well... it was nice knowing ya."
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