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Venue Sheets






The Database

Any approval that uses the database, must be something that requires RST or NST approval. The database is not designed to handle CST or DST approvals. If you want something that requires RST or NST approval, the use of this database does not eliminate the need to go through your CST or DST. The benefit of using the database is that all comments and justifications are located in a single location. This makes reviewing the entire application much easier. One of the problems I have had in the past with approvals is that the approval ends up being spread out over several e-mails, making review extremely difficult.

As an exception, all DST approvals for solitary chapters are handled by this database, but are still managed by the ARST Solitary Chapters. Any DST level approvals for a DST are managed on the approvals website as well. Both of these should be marked with "DST:" prefixed to the item's name.

Step One

Your login is membership number with no dashes or spaces. When you login to the database, you are presented with several options. The first thing you want to do it to make sure your personal information is correct. Some information is pulled from these files when you submit a new application and you need to be sure that it is correct so that it is easy for the RST to contact you.

Your login and password is what the database uses to identify you. You are responsible for all entries that occur with your login and password. Your password should be kept private.

Step Two

Once you have verified your information, you can submit an application using the Add New App Button. You need to be complete and fill out this form as completely as possible. The application should consist of exactly ONE request for an approval. If you have multiple items on a single character sheet, you will need to submit multiple requests.
Character Sheet
This section is where you must include your full character sheet and the XP log associated with it. You will not get a second chance to update this, so it needs to be complete.
This section is where you give a brief background and justification for the approval. You also need to fill out the questionaire that shows up when you pull up this form. The questions are the thirteen questions for special approvals. In some cases, some of the questions are not completely appropriate for the approval, but you should do your best to answer them as completely and thoroughly as possible. There is also a statement of acknowledgement that you must acknowledge. As with the character sheet section, this section can be modified only once, so be complete now.
This field is used for comments from the storytellers as well as comments from the player. If there is something that needs to be added to the app, use the Comments field to add it.

Once you submit the application, you now have a pending app, waiting for each of the storyteller hierarchies to make a decision. You can come back to the database to check on the application's status. It should be updated as it proceeds to each storyteller.

Step Three

This stage is a hard stage for many players. You need to be patient and wait for the review process to happen and for the questions that will come based on the review. When you receive questions concerning the application, come back to your pending screen and update the app with the answers, in the comment field. There is no specific time limit to the review process


  • Special approval Totems are approved for a local sponsoring storyteller. That local storyteller should be the one entering the application. Rather than have each member of the pack seperately send up an individual application, the local sponsoring storyteller should periodically update a listing of pack members and their players on the application on the website.
  • There are some problems with the form. Here is a list of potential problems as well as what you should do when you get them.

    Error: Document contains no data error message

    If you get this message, you probably are attempting to send more data than the form will accept. I know this makes no sense, but it has happened several times and the author states that he can't seem to track the reason. The fix is just to remove some of the data you have entered and submit again. You can always add the remaining data in the 'comments' field.
  • There are some things that need definition here:


    The rating is a system by which those who have access to read the application can register what they think of the application based on comments, questions, answers and justifications written. The scale is 1 - 5 with 1 being strongly unsupported (unlikely to be approved) and 5 being strongly supported (possibility of approval).
  • The search form is a restrictive list of items to be searched for. Anything found must match whatever you type in for each and every item exactly. I would suggest that you Type in just one thing to be searched for and narrow the search later if necessary.
  • If you are in a solitary chapter, for the domain and DST use "Solitary Chapter" and the ARST-SolChap's contact information.

Brian Gates, NCRST

Last updated: 10-May-2001
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