
This is a selection from journals we all keep, noting our impressions of Spanish life and our flaneur experience here. Following are a note from our (benevolent) editor, Jen Adams, and then each issue, itemized by topic...

The reader should note that these are student opinions, which have not been edited for content. This is not a page to promote tourism or paint a rosy picture about all aspects of Spanish life, but an accurate portrayal of student experience here. The opinions expressed do not reflect those of Universidad de Alcala, University of Alabama at Birmingham, or the National Collegiate Honors Council.

October 31, 2000
To My Fellow NCHCers,

Welcome to the first edition of our Musings! In true Spanish fashion, I am letting you have it a mere 11 days after I first said I would have it ready �ma?na?

So what have I given you? This is an anoymous collection of quotes culled from all of the journals and observations turned in to me, along with some poetry Conor was gracious enough to let me use. Putting the quotes together was entertaining, as were all of your journals, which were very interesting and funny, despite the fact that most of you assured me they were crap when you turned them in to me. I enjoyed reading them, and am looking forward to the next round.

Speaking of the next round . . . Remember: November 5th by 5 o�clock, and I will hunt you down. I know this will be no problem for you as I am sure you have all been keeping your journals faithfully (written with a straight face, I swear). If you have any poetry or short stories or songs or sketches to share, they would be much appreciated. As would photos�you will notice that this is a graphicless issue. For next time I would like to see some photos, my only requests being that they be photocopyable and that you put your name on them so that I can return them to you.

My final request is for comments and suggestions, which are welcome anytime except between 2-6 am. Other than that, feel free to stop by A 12.1 anytime.


J. Adams

Volume 1--September/October 2000

Other "Musings"
E-mail musings (compiled by Dr. Bernice Braid)

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