To the bus drivers of our great city,

Awesome efficient transportation.

I was excited being on the bus for the first time. I just stared and tried to take note of everything: people, businesses, cars and roads. Then Bang! The bus hits a car that was trying to park. Wow! How exciting! The bus driver and the other dude just waved and the bus continued on.

The cars here are half as big and twice as fast.

. . .practice pushing the button before they drive by . . .

The motorcycles produce more noise than power.

Bus drivers have awesome depth perception.

The cars here seem custom made for the crazy driving.

You couldn�t pay me enough to drive here.

No one seems to be going anywhere in particular. No rush. Yet the cars still try to run you over.

There�s nothing quite like riding to class in the morning feeling like I�m at a rave. Techno music�s cool and all, but it�s like drinking beer for breakfast�at 8 o�clock it�s not that great.

I still can�t get over how much American music I hear on the bus. I left thinking I would finally escape the Brittany Spears teeny-bop sensation but nooooooo, they play her here too . . .

If I�m lucky, they�re playing a good song on the radio.

I actually like riding the bus.

Why did Hemingway write a book about the gracefulness of bullfighting when bus driving in Alcala is so much more impressive? They masterfully maneuver inconceivable turns that I would never attempt, they haul ass down paper-thin streets, and they always take time to stop and talk with each other whenever they want. So, to all the bus drivers of our great city, I SALUTE YOU!

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