Boys will be boys, and girls will be girls…

Women on Men:

Animals, Barbarians!

Our conversation teacher is good-looking.

. . . .I think he’s cute but his teeth are a different story.

They have the most beautiful wedding dresses here but the most ugly men.

Men like to pick their noses and touch themselves.

Everyone keeps telling us American girls how pretty we are.

I met some Spanish guys—they were pretty young and flirtatious. I asked them if they liked Americans and they said yes . . .

The guy that works at the Churreria has been getting more friendly every day. During the week we have been going there everyday after classes. In the beginning he was distant but polite. By now he treats us like old friends. It was interesting to observe this transformation.

Spaniards are weird. I’m talking about men. They act as if they had never seen a woman.

I wonder if it’s just because we are in the city that it seems like all the men are sleazy.

Got whistled at by old men, as usual.

One the way down, by the way, I had some twit call me “Rubia” for the 1st time. I don’t get why they do that. Do these stupid guys feel some sense of entitlement that they can say stupid shit just because they’re guys and we’re girls? Seems like Americans rarely pull shit like that. I wish I knew Spanish better because if I did, I’d bitch out every moron who hissed something at me. I don’t give a flying crap if it’s “Spanish Culture”. That’s no excuse for acting like a bunch of assholes who are so insecure, they have to say something humiliating to every good-looking girl just to take her down a peg and let her know who’s boss, in a figurative sort of way. I know that’s quite a tirade for just being called the equivalent of “Blondie”, but it hasn’t been the only thing, and I got this from jerks in France and Italy too and I refuse to just “deal with it” like it’s acceptable or something.

I could have sworn an old man was staring at my breasts. Yuck!

Viejo Verde: There are many here.

I just witnessed the first gentlemanly act from a young Spanish man since I arrived (18/9).

I found myself trying to tell Spanish boy that I’m not interested (Once again, refer to the entry entitled “My Spanish sucks” and you can guess about how well that went).

Women on Women:

It’s pretty sad when the elderly women have better fashion sense than you do.

Style is not overrated.

All the young women wear extremely tight pants—how can they breath and sit?

The ladies here all seem anorexic. How can they breathe—I couldn’t fit one toe into their pantlegs if I tried!

This tight-clothes thing really gets to me. All kinds of girls, no matter what their bodyshape, are compressing themselves into pants originally designed for exercise. I hope this fad never reaches the US, although the masculine students on this trip might be hoping for the opposite.

Someday I will just break down and buy some of those tight-ass pants.

Blondes with roots are abundant.

What is up with all the “natural” redheads?

Men on Men:

I have now decided that every femi-nazi living in the US should be forced to come visit Spain and interact with Spanish men.

Even the guys buy their clothes a few sizes too small.

You know, if it weren’t for all the graffiti around here, I would swear that Spaniards use their paint supplies to “paint on” their blue jeans. I mean really . . .how do guys fit into jeans that tight? Don’t they need their space? Oh, wait . . .I see . . .I guess all of this just infers something impressive about all of us guys with red, white, and blue flowing in our veins.

The guys clothes are so much more fashionable and my style here.

In America we’re always bashed as being ego-centric hormonal pigs, yet we’re saints compared to the assholes living over here!

These obnoxious guys . . . really piss me off.

Men on Women:

I have noticed that females here are a lot nicer to foreigners than are males.

It’s amazing how the girls here can squeeze into their clothes!

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