North Central FFA Chapter    


Upcoming Events

Banquet 2002

FFA Week 2002

Ag Classes

Small Animal Day 2002

State Convention 2002

District Banquet 2002

Williams County Fair 2002

FFA Basketball

Judging Teams

FFA Meetings

Officer Team

Ag Safety Day 2002

National FFA Convention 2001

2001 Christmas Party


FFA Week 2002

    This year our chapter hosted several different activities to promote agriculture awareness during FFA Week.  Many students celebrated by dressing up throughout the week.  Tuesday was Carhartt Day, Wednesday was Cowboy/Cowgirl day, Thursday was Farmer/Hillbilly day, and Friday was Blue & Gold Day.

Friday afternoon was our big activity for the week.  Students could participate in several different activities such as a bale toss, roping contest, ice cream eating contest, and they had an opportunity to throw pies in either Mr. Alexander, Mr. Allison, or Mr. Raubenolt's face.

Cowboy Day

Roping Contest

Ice Cream Eating Contest

Pie Throwing...

Bale Toss

Hosted by