Klick here to see Dave Roman's drawing of Ninchen, thanxby player of Fei Yena picture of Miyu made by her player

About Employee and Membership


Different Membership

  The Dojo is offering two different memberships Trial or Student (Basic) Membership.
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Trial Membership

"Everybody can join the dojo and start to increase physical and mental progress but you have to respect the house rules."

  cost: ---  
  duration: 1 day  
  privileges: 1 free class  
  duties: respect the house rules.  
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Student (Basic) Membership

"Everybody can join the dojo and start to increase physical and mental progress but you have to respect the house rules."



$20 / $200  
  duration: month / year, but it also depends on your TdDP raiting: You are a student as long your level is -1 point or higher, you might have to leave the Dojo when your raiting drobs below -1 point.  
  privileges: Take any class at the Ten-do Dojo, any time, borrow practice weapons/pads, use the mats and bags when they are free. Only for privat lessons you have to pay an extra fee. 0.5 point for each 1/2 year teaching.  
  duties: subscribe the contract, respect the house rules.  
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Those who offer the service


"The Dojo boasts a roster of some of the best martial arts instructors from the region, if not the country. Below are descriptions of some of the instructors, as well as what they teach."
If you are lucky you will be able to meet one of the famous Masters of Martial Arts as well.
After the dojo had been attacked (August 2000) security guards were hired.
The dojo also needs clerks and cleaners.
And still the dojo is looking for instructors.


Name Employee Martial Art Style Dojo Prestige
(for more informations)
Amiko Uzekawa instructor Amiko Uzekawa teaches basic self-defense courses for women, and also offers one-on-one tutoring. 1 email
Daniel Aries owner
Daniel Aries teaches classes in meditation (works: STA, INT, MED, ENI), avoidance (works DEX, DOD, WIT, ATH), and a special class. 2.5 email
Fei Yen guard (---) 1 email
Fyn cleaning (---) 0.5 email
Jez Sands clerk (---) 1.5 email
Long Chi Fei instructor Long Chi Fei teaches classic martial arts and fencing. 0 email


Miyu only teaches at night. Her style is Wu Shu focusing on the more Athletic and Acrobatics aspects. She prefers to teach one-on-one classes which are: Beginning Wu Shu, Katas for Everyday life, and Acrobatics. She has been know to wave the fee if the Student has taught the teacher. 4 email
Ninchen manager
Sifu Nin teaches Meditation and Filipino Martial Arts (Arnis/Kali/Escrima). Sifu Nin is a fullinstructor for Pogo Do under Professor Mike "Don Chaos" Spike Froidl. He also claims to be an instructor for JKD, Ju-Jutsu, Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Western Boxing and fullinstructor under Master Okami Shinsau. 2


Rage of Rivers instructor Rage of Rivers teaches Brazilian Capoeria and Vale Tudo.
Vale Tudo lessons is only on request $ 30 for privat tuition.
1 email
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Master Feng Kai ST (but I don't know who)
Master Lang ST (JW Dobbins)
Master Okami Shinsau ST (Ryan)
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"Not everyone who wants to become became an instructor at least. Still there are no limitations but please keep in mind: Playing an instructor means you have to teach through acting as an example and this isn't a job for greedy or selfish people."

  cost: ---  
  duration: depends on your level of TdDP: Probation if your level is 0, Instructor as long as your level is 0.5 or higher, you will get fired when your raiting drobs below 0.  
  privileges: Take any class at the Ten-do Dojo, any time, borrow practice weapons/pads, use the mats and bags when they are free. 0.5 point TdDP per student, 0.5 point for each 1/2 year teaching, fixed payment, privat lessons to your conditions.
  duties: send a list of your students, respect the house rules.
Subscribe the application now.
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"There are only 2 clerks needed for the Dojo. You have to be familiar with business knowledge (or something like this) and trustworthy to get this job."

  cost: ---  
  duration: depends on your level of TdDP: Probation if your level is 0, clerk as long as your level is 0.5 or higher, you will get fired when your raiting drobs below 0.  
  privileges: Take any class at the Ten-do Dojo, any time, borrow practice weapons/pads, use the mats and bags when they are free. 1 point TdDP for dealing with the paperwork, 0,5 point for each 1/2 year you work at Ten-do Dojo, fixed payment.

book keeping (collecting the money and updating the egroup database), respect the house rules, you might use supernatural powers to do your job as long as there are no witness there wont be a problem.
subscribe the application now .

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"There are 2 PC guards needed at the Dojo. This is a job for some real fighters but still you have to care about the "might-be exotic" house rules of the Dojo. At least you are responsible that this dojo is a place where everybody can learn in peace (Remember there are always two NPC guards on duty if there are no PC guards around)."

  cost: ---  
  duration: depends on your level of TdDP: Probation if your level is 0, guard as long as your level is 0.5 or higher, you will get fired when your raiting drobs below 0.  
  privileges: Take any class at the Ten-do Dojo, any time, borrow practice weapons/pads, use the mats and bags when they are free. 1 point TdDP for guarding, 0.5 point for each 1/2 year you work at Ten-do Dojo, fixed payment.
  duties: respect the house rules, defend the Dojo, prevent employee or students getting hurt, you might use brutal force, even guns while on duty (but you should care about the dojo first, second about the law of the mortals, last but not least about the law of supernatural creatures).
Subscribe the application now.
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Cleaning 'n' Repairing

"Some helping hands are needed now and then (but not more than 1 or 2 pairs). And if you don't have enough money to pay the basic membership fee, maybe this job is what you are looking for."

  cost: ---  
  duration: depends on your level of TdDP: Probation if your level is 0, clerk as long as your level is 0.5 or higher, you will get fired when your raiting drobs below 0.  
  privileges: Take any class at the Ten-do Dojo, any time, borrow practice weapons/pads, use the mats and bags when they are free. 0.5 point TdDP for doing the cleaning or repairing paperwork, 0.5 point for each 1/2 year you work at Ten-do Dojo, fixed payment.
  duties: cleaning the the whole dojo, working off the "list for fixing" (for more informations take a look at the egroup), respect the house rules, you might use supernatural powers to do your job as long as there are no witness there wont be a problem.
Subscribe the application now.
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