weight lifting areathe matsbar and info desk

About the Dojo, the meditation room, the 2nd floor

Blueprint (_/Miyu)



"From the outside, the dojo looks rather simple -- in fact, it is a converted two-story warehouse. (...) The main entrance consists of a set of sturdy wooden double doors with various kanji carvings on them (to those who can read Japanese, it is mostly verses from the Tao). They are always open during normal hours, and closed at night. Upon entering, you see a large open area. Immediately to your left and right is a set of large bonzai trees. In the front right corner is the reception desk, where you will find an announcement board and sign-up sheets for variou classes. To the far left is the workout area, with free weights, lifting benches, an excersise bike, and a tread mill. Taking up most of the center of the room is a large mat, upon which you will usually see a class being held, or people sparring or doing katas. In the middle-right of the building is a door to the utility closet, and in the far right corner is the meditation room. On the left wall is a bench to watch the matches and rest; just past that towards the back is a pair of practice dolls, one padded and one wooden. In the very back is a staircase leading to the second floor, which is for staff and approved members only. Training equipment such as bokken and pads may be checked out from the front desk.

If you just want to come to spar or watch, there is no charge; however, you must be a member to rent equipment and take classes. The cost of membership is negligible (as long as you've got Resources 1 or better, you can easily afford it), and aside from being able to use the equipment, you can also attend free classes that are sometimes held." (Mike/Chang Tzu)



Weightlifting in the Gym
This is the first room you enter by stepping into the Ten-do Dojo. Get your muscle mass improved (and as well as your Strength rating ) and do some workout with weights.



The Bar
There is a small bar in the front room. Here you can relax and discuss about techniques. The offered drinks are water, juice or gatorade - alcoholic and carbonated beverages are no-no.



The Mat
Bow and enter the centre of the Dojo. Here you can join one of the regular trainings sessions or do some sparring. There are 4 punshbags on the left and 4 kickbags on the right. On the right hand there's also a wooden dummy.



The Meditation Room
This room has to be used for special meditation only. Regular training is teached by Sifu Nin.
The rest of the time the door to the Meditation Room is closed! You are not allowed to enter this room without invitation. (OOC: No entry till you got the PW.)
Description: Stepping into the meditation-room you will feel like entering a 12 by 15ft area which tries to imitate the wilds. The walls are painted in various hues of green and brown. A multitude of plants, ranging from small to large, are lined up along these. Several small carpets and many diverse cushions placed on the wooden floor. There is a small pool filled with water in the center of the room, which is lit from the ceiling by a special lamp for growing plants. The windows are draped with silk. There is a smell of plants, fresh earth and water in the air. Soft meditation-music is played by a modern stereo on one side of the room, next to it a small stove for the preparation of herbal tea. A hammock is strung between two hooks in one corner and there is an old upside-down TV- set with a blank screen on a different wall.



The Second Floor
There is a more privat studio upstairs. It's open unregular, even then you have to ask if you are allowed to enter. (OOC: no entry till you got the PW.)




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