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Beach Etiquette

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The "quality" of a naturist beach or recreation area is apart from it's natural setting to a large degree determined by the people who visit the beach and their behaviour. To ensure that our naturist beaches remain what they stand for - beautiful places that can be enjoyed by all - there are a few rules of (naturist) beach etiquette to follow:

  • at beaches other than designated free-beaches (fristrander) there will be, if any, areas frequented by naturists and other areas used by those who prefer to remain clothed. Don't risk causing offence by stripping off in the mid of the textile areas, or wander nude into textile areas. On designated free beaches you can be nude whereever you want.

  • respect privacy of others - don't gawk or stare, it's rude, and, like on any other beach, keep a polite distance from others if space permits (you will find this near impossible at Huk fristrand on a nice summer weekend, but the other free beaches offer plenty of space for everybody). Most people come to beach to relax and have a quiet time, not to be disturbed by others.

  • attention men! - women may not welcome being 'chatted up' by a stranger - don't be a pest...

  • attention men (again)! - gawkers (kikkern) are not welcome. Don't walk along the beach or beach trails with no other and obvious intention to take in the "scene".

  • Overt sexual activity is no more acceptable on a naturist beach than it would be on a textile one. Nudity is sensual, but sex is for consenting adults in private - save it until you get back home!

  • Speak up for our standards. If you see someone - whether a naturist or not - behaving badly, approach them or ask someone else to do so and politely explain why their behaviour is unacceptable.

... and finally, when summer is here ...


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