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Art-au-Naturel in Oslo

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Nudity in its various forms has always played a significant part in ancient and modern art. Whether it is in sculpture, paintings or photography: nude art is everywhere and, generally, admired. Some will even classify certain forms of erotica and pornography as art. While the interest in public nude art is common, it does not seem to translate easily in an appreciation of human, non-sexual nudity in public.

To illustrate this, please look at the two images below (thanks to "The Natural Way"). Thousands of visitors flock to the "Galleria dell' Accadmemia" in Florence to see the famous statue of "David" and marvel at the beauty and grace of the statue (left image). But what would happen if the same visitors were to see instead the nude man, at the same location, the same pose and even standing on the same pedestal upon which the statue stood. How would they react? Suddenly, the public "exposure of genitals" becomes indecent and regarded offensive and the man could be held for breaking the law! Look closely at both images and ask yourself, is the man doing anything different from the posture of the statue? Is the man showing an indecent behaviour.

The reason we started with the "Paradox of David" is that it is a challenge for many people to recognise the naturalness of being nude. While nude art may be marvelled at - possibly because it is abstract (as in many paintings) or lightly erotic (as some of the sculptures by Rodin, for example), going natural oneself in public is something different alltogther for many.
The collection of (outdoors) public nude art that one can find in Oslo - most of which created by the famous scullptur Vigeland - is rather special in the sense that it puts communal and social nudity at the center. This fits in well with the Norwegian liberal and openminded attitude to nudity. As we will see below, the step from nude art to nude recreation is only a short walk or ferry trip away from the city centre.

With this in mind, let's explore a number of the finer displays of public nude art in Oslo. And there is many! These will make a perfect excursion on a short trip to Oslo or on a cloudy day when a trip to the beach is not on the agenda. Our virtual walk will start at the Vigeland/Frogner park and end at the Radhus and Radhusplassen.

Vigeland park
One of the most famous artists of Norway was Gustav Vigeland. The city of Oslo was so impressed by his initial pieces of work for the city that they had Vigeland commission many more. In the '30s Oslo created a special park for him - this is now known as the Vigeland park. Here you will find many fine life-size bronze and granite nudes depicting men, women and children in many inspirational settings. Especially the granite statues around the monolith are worth mentioning and make a visit to the park a must. Nearby the park is also the Vigeland museum where you can learn more about Gustav Vigeland and his work. Below is a series of images of some of the statues in the Vigeland park, click on any to view an enlarged version.

From the south corner of Vigeland park there goes a beautiful nature trail towards Drammensveien, it follows the little stream and is well worth the diversion.

Sehestedsgate og Spikersuppa
From Vigeland Park we head towards the centre of Oslo. Between Kristian August gate and Kristian IV's gate just west of the Tinghuset you will find the quaint and pleasant Sehestedsgate (pedestrian only). In the middle is a small square with a few benches surrounding a fountain with bronze statue of mother with child. It's a very pleasant place to relax a bit and let the serenity of the fountain and sculture work in on you. From the Kristian IV gate it is a short walk towards the Kal Johan's gate - the bustling main street of Oslo. Right across Karl Johan you will find "Spikersuppa" the square with big fountain and benches on either side. It's a very popular area for a short break and on warm summerdays the pond is filled with small children enjoying the cool water from the fountain. No surprise they blend in well with the the small children's statues on the west side, see image below.

From the Karl Johan gate and Spikersuppa it is a very short walk towards the Oslo City Hall and the Radhusplassen, the big spuare in front of the harbour. At the centre of the Radhusplassen you fill find a fine collection of bronze and granite statues depicting women and children in various settings. The two fountains on either side with woman and two todlers are very admirable and will make you realise that nude is really so natural. At the centre of the square is a magnificent fountain and pillar with bronze statue on top, see central image below. There are plenty of benches around the square to relax, breath the fresh air and let the naturalness work in on you.

Oslo Radhus
Then finally, the Radhus itself contains a number of classical and modern displays of communal nudity. First, when you walk up towards the entrance there are some beautiful woodcarvings on either side including the image shown below left. Once you enter the Radhus you will marvel at the many spectacular wall paintings that depict Norwegian life and recent history. The east wall of the south side Banquett hall shows a life-size naturist wall painting of adults and children on a beach - painted by Willy Middelsfart and named "Seaside life around the Oslofjord", playing and simply having fun, see images below right. The scene depicted in this big mural painting really goes to the core of what naturism is all about: a natural and healthy approach to enjoyment of nature and the human body in all it's forms and shapes. The fact that this painting is found in the Banquet hall (!) indicates the significance of naturism in nordic society. No fuss, just common sense really.

The best thing is that you only have to take a short ferry ride from the town hall to find just that, a totally relaxing place for yourself or your family along one of the beautiful nearby beaches, where you can be nude and one with nature (if you prefer to "see and be seen" you are best off heading towards Huk naturist beach).


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