"Where Were You Prepared"



Submitted by:  Most Worshipful Grand Master James F. Troutt


Greetings and fraternal blessings from the Office of the Grand Master. I pray that God is blessing all of you and your families as we come to the close of our 98th year as a fraternity.

We say that this fraternity teaches the "Brotherhood of Mankind, under the Fatherhood of God." I wonder how many of us see this fraternity as a brotherhood and how many realize we are under the Fatherhood of God.

In our study, our lessons, our instruction, we learn that the whole purpose of masonry is to teach. It not only teaches the Brotherhood of Mankind, under the Fatherhood of God, it teaches us to be better men, better husbands, better fathers, better sons. Moreover, it teaches us to be better employees, better employers, better church members, better leaders, and in short, better people.

Our ritual says we should distinguish ourselves from the rest of the community. We should be a cut above those who are not part of the fraternity, and the rest of the community should recognize us as Masons by the way we ACT!

The way we act is usually determined by where we are first prepared.

Those first prepared to be made masons in their hearts put this Masonic Fraternity before themselves. "We" don't do things that hurt our organization. We don't do things that embarrass our organization or ruin its reputation. We are very much aware that each of us represents all of us.

What one of us does as a Mason reflects on all of us. tf you are an outstanding member of your community, your church, your family, your workplace, your whole environment, it reflects favorably on you, your lodge, your grand lodge, your jurisdiction & Masonry in general. Conversely, if you violate God's law, the moral law or the Masonic law, it reflects just as much on you, your lodge, your grand lodge, your jurisdiction and Masonry; only it reflects Unfavorably.

Again, where were you first prepared? What impression of Masonry do you want others to have based on the way you act? Do you want others to have a favorable or unfavorable impression of your lodge, your grand lodge or masonry based on the way you act?

Now is the time to decide! A few years ago, and for many years prior, most of us were first prepared in our hearts. No one recruited us. We saw something in other men that we admired and wanted to try to emulate. We sought out one of those people we admired of our own free will and accord and asked how to become a mason. We were questioned about our motives and observed to determine something about our character.

People only signed petitions when they felt we were worthy of the honor of being made a mason.

They charged as soon as we became masons, that if in the circle of our acquaintances we found a person desirous of being initiated into masonry, we should be particularly careful not to recommend him unless we were Sure that he would conform to our rules -- so that the Honor, Glory & Reputation of the fraternity could continue firmly established and the world at large convinced of its good effects!

What are some of its good effects? We are men who belong to a fraternity that builds character. We fear God. We lift up, rather than tear down. We are pillars in our communities; we strive for excellence in everything we do.

Lately we have talked a lot about getting "Back to Basics." I wonder how many of our members today ever knew the basics! First, we need to walk uprightly in our several stations before God and Man. We need to act upon the square and do unto others as we wish that they should do unto us. We need to be committed to Masonry. We need to be on time -- at all times. We need to do what we say-- know that our word is our bond!

We need to lead by example. We need to serve others. We need to give without regard to what we might get. We should be ashame to be a part of this fraternity without making some noble contribution to it.


What will you contribute?


Where were you first prepared?

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