"It is Time to Practice What we Preach"



Submitted by:  RW C. David Henry


Today we are experiencing changing and difficult times throughout the world. The question is being asked - What part docs Freemasonry play in tine continuance of life and society based oil the great principles of our Fraternity? Freemasonry presents us with high and moral ideals, with principles that continue to uplift tile individual wino gives them his attention.

Faith in the Great Architect of the Universe is the corner stone of the Craft; so naturally, this book, which tells us the purest truth about God, is the light of the Altar. The Bible is not simply a foundation rock.  It is also a book in which we find the truths that makes us men. 

Reverence the Great Architect of the Universe is ever present in our ceremonies. The Bible is open upon the Altar whenever a Lodge is in session, teaching and standing for the worship of a Supreme Being who governs our lives.

Masonry is not only a philosophy of life; rather it is a ‘Way of Life', because, among other things, it teaches men to practice charity and benevolence. It also teaches that the Holy Bible is the Great Light in Freemasonry which serves as the rule and guide to our faith, and so it follows that in accepting this rule, and adhering to this guidance, we should come a little closer to attaining the chief objective of Freemasonry which is to make its members and others wiser, better and happier.

Bitter strife and constant struggle emphasizes the need for better understanding through complete acceptance and practice of true brotherly love as taught by Freemasonry.  May we be reminded that the brotherhood of man is one of tine fundamental truth upon which our civilization is built. Freemasonry emphasizes the brotherhood of man through the practice of brotherly love, relief and truth. Brotherly love, in tine Masonic sense is more than a bond of goodwill and understanding that exists between good friends. It is, rather, genuine tolerance and charity toward all men, which affords a basis for mutual respect between men, in spite of their diverse backgrounds, creeds, ideals, and codes of conduct.

Every Freemason is, or should, a Landmark.  This is the meaning of the that challenge delivered to every Worshipful Master at his Installation - 'Charge your Brethren to practice out of tine Lodge those excellent precepts which are ever inculcated in it' - telling the world at large of tine goodness of our Institution. That world, brethren is no vague distant place on tine map - that world is us, the community in which each one of us lives, and moves and has his being.

Morals to a Freemason should be synonymous with the commandments of the Great Architect of the Universe.  I am sure that all of us at times fails to live within God's moral code, but it is also true that we are members of our Fraternity because we desire to advance and progress through life in accordance with I His laws, so that we will be the better enabled to live according to those excellent precepts that are laid down for our use.

The message for you and me is a message that exhorts us to be mindful of those important fruits of the Spirit – Love and Kindness and Understanding.

Every Freemason can participate in bringing harmony to his Fraternity and peace to the world by practicing tine great lessons of brotherhood he has learned in his Masonic experience.

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