A Modern Day Joshua


(Submitted by Rev. Keith A. Ogden, 33°)

MWGM Troutt and Grand Lodge Family

You are indeed a Modern Day (Joshua)!

Greetings My Friend...

You are doing a good work for the glory of God. This was preordained; you were supposed to be reelected, for such a time as this. In the past, the negative opinion of a few men, kept our order from moving forward in a positive manner. It caused folk to rebel, because it is human to accept opinion as fact, we must be especially carefully when voice of our negative opinions.

What we say may heavily influence the actions of those (as we seen) who trust us to give sound advice.  That reminds me of the story of the ten, (Numbers 13:30-33) who spied out the land, and gave a bad report.  [We need more men like PGM Allen, who asked PGM Baxter for forgiveness. He put his pride and ego aside, and had enough intestinal fortitude to do the right thing, that’s nothing but God, being led by his Spirit, seeking eternal life]  Thank God,
we have some Caleb's and Joshua's in our Grand Lodge, who had a Faith in the Most High God. It is my prayer that our brethren and sister's realize that we have a Grand Master that believes in our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, and is guided, by the Holy Spirit. 

Dr. Troutt, keep on living the life that you preach/teach about, you are a great example and model for all to emulate.  The hand of God is on your life and he will continue to direct your path.  It has just begun, you will have some trails and tribulations, but, do not walk by situation, walk by revelation! The reason why we go through what we do, as children of promise, is because; God wants to get some more glory out of us. Remember, when you go through something, the Lord will bring you out. Congratulations to our entire newly elected and appointed Grand Lodge Officer's.  Don't get caught
up in your title's and your name, give God the glory, for all the great things he has done, it's only by his grace and mercy, that you are in the position that you are in. 

As the old folk say, remember your humble beginnings, and do not despise the day of small beginnings. Keep the Faith, and do the right thing, God Honor's what is right, and not what is wrong, but, he is a forgiving God. Speak the same language to men, as you would to your Mother; treat others, the way you would like to be treated. It has not yet appeared, on what God is going to do
in our Masonic Family. MWGM Troutt, with God being your helper, you will take this Grand Lodge to next level. He will give you the vision as the CEO/COO; and it's my prayer that other will believe, and follow. We need a praying Grand Lodge Family, binding those strong holds, and pleading the blood of
Jesus, daily!

Take care and God Bless!   

Rev. Keith A. Ogden, 33°
Past Special District Deputy

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