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Update : 12.02.2008



    Basis Of Aqidah Tauhid



Tauhid K-I-T-A

[ 04 ] Tauhid. Tauhid. Kajian Ilmu Tauhid. " Pada hari ini telah Kusempurnakan untuk kamu agamamu, dan telah Ku-cukupkan kepadamu nikmat-Ku, dan telah Ku-ridhai

Islam itu Jadi agama bagimu. Maka barang siapa terpaksa karena kelaparan tanpa sengaja berbuat dosa, Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang " ( QS : 005 : Al Maa-idah Ayat 003 )




1.         Islam Is Last Tauhid Religion

Islam. Islam means safing. Islamic Religion means religion bringing safety to all people. People islam or called as also moslem is survivor. Man who saved Allah because has followed last tauhid religion teaching, Religion teaching tauhid which is correct


Islam as last religion contained understanding that, before religion islam is degraded on earth with syariat which this is perfect, before all Allah has reduced teaching-religion teaching to group and certain believers limitedly like to the Ad, the Tsamut, the Bani Israil and other believer


All religion teaching which has beforehand is degraded the Allah also is correct teaching. Teachings tauhid the religion also comes from Allah made a night of it to prophet and rasul delegated by Allah to man before Saydina Rasulullah Muhammad SAW delegated as prophet and last rasul.


Tauhid and confidence of the infinite believed by the religions teaching also is tauhid which correct. Tauhid believing that the Allah The Most Single. childless Allah and not also is whelped, There are nothing also equivalent with Allah. So former religions teaching of that and religion teaching islam is the same tauhid religion teaching, because same come from the same the infinite that is God SWT


erivable religions before syariat religion islam is degraded valids for clan and group of and just certain nations and with a period of applying limited. Allah doesn't command to prophet and rasul delegated during the period to broadcast syariat its the religion to believer is outside by believer who commanded. Prophet and rasul is choice mans that is meekly implements Allah comand. Allah is not will not possibly delegates people who to deny to its the comand becomes prophet and rasul glorified


Far before prophet Muhammad SAW is delegated by Allah. To the Bani Israil, Before all in rotation of Allah has delegated some people prophet and rasul. Starts from prophet Ishaq AS which is breed from prophet Ibrahim AS to ACE Jesus prophet


Every one syariat derivable religion of Allah is penyempurna and continuation from syariat religion teaching before all, so that there is no contradiction of tauhid and confidence between old religions with has just. But more new religion complements religion teaching before all. Not possibly Allah reduces religion teaching which at the oposite between new religion teachings with stripper.


Because religion teaching which more then is received man is religion teaching making perfect religion teaching before all, hence earlier derivable religion of its the teaching has been replaced with religion teaching which has more perfection. Old religion teaching expressed have been not applicable again.


Islamic Religion as derivable  last religion of Allah is religion which have been perfecting. Perfect in the meaning that, religion islam brought by Saydina Rasulullah Muhammad SAW is religion teaching applying to all people. shall no longer limited to group of certain nation and at the same time terminates application of former religions teaching.


Tauhid believed in teaching islam is tauhid monotheism that is confessing that the Allah extremely esa. Childless and not also is whelped. Cannot be cought up with any, so that religion islam expressed as religion tauhid.


Islam as last tauhid religion contained understanding that following and believes islam as the only correct religion to end of epoch later. Confess and meyakini that the Allah The Most Single by saying confession promise two sentences sahadat as sentence tauhid


Two sentences sahadat is gateway to enter religion teaching islam as religion tauhid believed. There is no way besides from saying two kalimaht sahadat that is " I testify that no the infinite besides Allah and I testify that Muhammad is Allah prophet "


As gateway tauhid, two sentences sahadat only be open very for every man. Goods Who has entered door of tauhid, hence the door will be closed forever for people. May not go out again from the door forever. And goods who forces to go out from the door by the way of crying off tauhid which which is have been said it, He will never again is received door by that.


Goods who apostates from teaching islam infidel would forever and ever, because door of repentance to reenter into religion teaching islam as religion tauhid has been closed. Remains people with its the perverting and Iowliness of world and eternity/the beyond


Perverting and Iowliness that is received by people who to stay outside by religion teaching islam as religion tauhid is in the form, all kindness charitable done by it is not received Allah. Because religious service charitable received by people who religious service Allah only bow by order of Him and stays in religion teaching tauhid which is correct


So expressly expressed that, religious service received by Allah only do a good deed people religious service islam. people religious service is given by hidayah safety by Allah. Religious service charitable executed by people is outside islam will not be received by Allah.


So tauhid which is correct is tauhid having descending with religion teaching islam. Tauhid confessing that, there is no the infinite besides Allah. Allah is The one supreme Allah. Allah is God Almighty which has created earth and celestial and residing in something between both. What arranges x'self all its the business. So Allah doesn't require chlid to assist finalizes its the business. That is tauhid which is correct in religion teaching islam as religion tauhid


2.         Al-Quran Last Tauhid Book


Al-quran. Al-quran is word of Allah SWT which is derivable to man through Prophet Muhammad SAW as a guide. Because teaching brought by Rasulullah Muhammad SAW is religion teaching islam, hence Al-quran is holy book for religion islam


Islam as last religion and as religion tauhid believing there's only one the infinites or monotheism, hence Al-quran is last holy book and book tauhid and becomes main base from aqidah tauhid from tauhid religion


Al-Quran as book tauhid contains understanding that, main matter which included in filling content Al-Quran to study study tauhid. That is approximately one-third from contents of content Al-Quran is solution of study tauhid.


One of studying letter in detail and becomes main reference in study tauhid is Al-Quran Surat ke-112. that is Surat Al Ikhlash ayat 01-04




1). Katakanlah: "Dia-lah Allah, yang Maha Esa. 2). Allah adalah Tuhan yang bergantung kepada-Nya segala sesuatu. 3). Dia tiada beranak dan tidak pula diperanakkan, 4). dan tidak ada seorangpun yang setara dengan Dia."


Al-Quran as book tauhid also contains understanding that all study and solution of problem tauhid must refer to Al-Quran. Every study which is against Al-Quran must be refused in consequence is study digressing from akidah tauhid.


Some books and understanding about tauhid which have been written by experts tauhid it is of course can be made reference under consideration problem tauhid. on condition that, the books its the solver not quit of of Al-quran as main reference


As note of in this study; need to be reaffirmed that doesn't look for understanding of tauhid only pass solution of book only. Side is susceptible infiltrated by dickens to mislead tauhid which is correct also there are found some books studying problem tauhid not acurately and not proportional. Like book that is outspokenly and directly does slandering to moslem scholars tauhid. especially from the wahabi and people man which still be devoted holds wahabi understanding perverting.


Cannot be defaulted that in its the development, of course already happened some understandings of tauhid digressing and perverting. Especially understanding of tauhid which successfully infiltrated by dickens and Jew. The numbers also have been quite a lot with container that is having immeasurable enough


Apart from dickens influence and Jew which so intensively breaks religion islam by the way of misleading aqidah tauhid. Cultural factor also stands in ruining of aqidah tauhid like culture some areas in Indonesia affecting is strong by Hinduism teaching and religion Budha. So that doesn't being lost hence in process of study of tauhid must still hold firmly and is guided by Al-quran as book tauhid which is main


3.         Muhammad SAW Prophet and Last Rasul


Prophet Muhammad SAW Nabi and last Rasul. Syaidina Rasulullah Muhammad SAW is prophet and last rasul delegated by Allah for all people. As prophet and last rasul, law teaching brought by prophet Muhammad SAW is also last religion teaching. Nothing like prophet and rasul is delegated by Allah to people after prophet Muhammad SAW


Understanding confessing that there are still prophet and rasul after prophet Muhammad SAW without or brings teaching is understanding of tauhid which is errant and understanding of amentia misleading its the pengkut. Tauhid like that is refused side by Allah and from understanding of islam which correct.


Syaidina Muhammad SAW as prophet and last rasul also contains understanding that, all religion law teaching brought by he is last religion teaching which have been perfecting for all people. Perfects for earthly business, perfects for eternity/the beyond business. Lahiriyah and batiniyah. Hence goods who is exit from the confidence exit also from aqidah tauhid which correct.


Study tauhid about syaidina rasulullah Muhammad SAW is side by prophecy confidence and prophet Muhammad SAW, also concerning example and byword which has been taught to all people in the form of glory behavior. so Syaidina prophet Muhammad SAW is main reference in comprehending glory behavior, religious service and tauhid


All prophet ethic kindness Muhammad to Allah has delegated to earth with prophet predicate and last rasul is example that is very perfection. For absense of an also man and or prophet and rasul starts from ACE Adam prophet as first man to last man which will be created Allah later closer to Allah besides prophet Muhammad SAW


The contiguity is obtained by tauhid which he is fahami and practices is tauhid which really correct come directly from Allah, so that understanding of tauhid which has been examplizeed will not possibly misleads its the believer


All religious service Syaidina Rasulullah Muhammad SAW in the case of tauhid, religious service and behavior has clearly written in hadist-hadist he history many perawi hadist like Imam Bukhari, ImamMoslem Imam, Imam Ibnu Majah, Imam Nasaii and still many other imams which has big is meritorious does research and study hadist as reference tauhid for us


So is beside trusts Rasulullah Muhammad SAW as prophet and last rasul delegated by Allah. Trusts and practices all hadist and sunah Nabi Muhammad SAW is one of basis tauhid which is main


With only makes just Al-Quran as base Aqidah tauhid has not can expressed as tahid which is correct if overruling hadist-hadist and sunah big prophet of Muhammad SAW. Because if don't lean on hadist and sunah prophet Muhammad SAW Smeans interpretation of Al-Quran requiring further understanding will float only based on mind and that was errant.


As conclusion from basis tauhid which this is main is that. by embracing religion islam through door of tauhid uttering of Allah promise The Most Single is one of strong and correct base. Uttering of promise two sahadat sentences must jointed of Al-quran and hadist big prophet of Muhammad SAW. without third basis Aqidah tauhid which this is main, hence tauhid ism is tauhid which errant and is wrong





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