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No webpage is really complete without links to better webpages.
EverQuest - Here's the Offical EverQuest site.

EQ Vault - Here's a really large and informative EQ site

AllaKhazam's Magical Realm - Here's the popular AllaKhazam's EQ site, which is quite useful

The Concert Hall - Here's the authoritative site for bards.

Caster's Realm - Here's a nice reference for spells and songs of Norrath

Links to pages dealing with the Rallos Zek server - Here's a site dedicated to the Rallos Zek server.

Dark Carnival - The Dark Carnival guild page

Darkenbane - The Darkenbane guild page

EverSwarm - The EverSwarm guild page

The Fire Beetles Message Board - The Message Board of the elite guild known as the Fire Beetles. Swarm!

Glassjoe Ghetto - The homepage of Glassjoe Ghetto, (aka Firble)

The House of X'zzt - The House of X'zzt guild page

Norrath Geographic - The Ilsen and Badmartigan homepage

Sal's Site - Salazin's homepage

Are these all the guild pages there are? No way. There's plenty more guild pages, and I'd like to put as many up as I can. However, I don't neccessarily feel like running around searching for all the URLs all at one time, though I hope to add more here in the future. If you know of a Rallos Zek page, (or any EQ page, for that matter), that's cool, just e-mail me the URL.


Greylet - Hair tonic?

Greylet - the Horse?

Greylet - More Hair tonic?

Greylet -

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