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Here's the section dedicated to my good pals in the land of Norrath. I wanna go around taking screenshots of people, but I don't have many good ones yet, so this page won't be too big for awhile, most likely. So everyone needs to hurry and meet me to get their picture taken!

We'll go in alphabetical order... By *first* name, since certain people still haven't come up with a last name for their characters.

Babwin Springwood

Bab's been one of my oldest pals in EQ, ever since he was introduced to me by Elkrum in the days of North Ro huntin'. Bab's always been there for a guard grouping, bind, teleport, or just a good old fashoined chat.


Chosen? Who's Chosen? You may notice that the name above the casting wizzie doesn;t exactly say Chosen. Well, thing is, I've known Chosen since way before he took on this new-fangled name, way back when we were lowbies in North Ro. Then he seemed to start anew, with a new name and all, but the name Chosen remains tatooed upon him!

Divinis Damightyone

I'm not quite sure how Divinis came to have such a last name, although I'm sure he could probably beat up on a spiderling if he really put his mind to it. Hehe, actually, he always makes for a fun duel, even though he's so easy to beat down. I'd better watch myself, though, he's gaining levels a lot faster than me, and clerics at high levels... Well, they could pose a problem, even this particular one... Maybe.

Ebert Dachunky

I think possibly the first, or one of the first times I saw this big fella was when I noticed his body near Guard Brendyl in North Ro when I was a newbie. Think he was a PK of some sorts back in those days. He reformed and all, and when we officially met later on down the road, he became a right good pal of mine. Of course, these days it seems as if he's been called back to his old lifestyle, doing battle with my good friends in Silent Reign! He's a cool fellow, but it might be prudent to bag up if ya meet him.
Ok, well, Ebert just told me that he traded his Ebert character, and is now playing a monk! Silly fellow, well, I'm still gonna have this pic up, sicne it's a cool pic I think, and it was taken of the original fellow, after all. Character trading is a confusing practice, why can't these folk just make a twink instead? Hehe.


Elk's one of my very oldest EQ pals, a friend from the Newbie Days of Yore, the days when we ventured into CB, when we got smacked down by the L Fay Brownies, when we managed to get a Mino axe despite PKs, when I tricked him into jumping off the boat... We've had many a madcap adventure. As one of the most knowledgable bards around, Elk is also a good source of bardic wisdom, if I'm ever beffuddled by an aspect of my class.

Faldroff Greyleaf

Faldroff and I became good pals back in the days when I used to answer almost every, "Hey, what's up?", question of his with the resounding reply, "faeries." We've since gone on to fight bigger and badder things, though, and had some adventures beyond the small Faerie residence in Lesser Faydark.

Kondor Taibuk

Kondor is a rather zany fellow, who I met way back in the day. I'm pretty sure once upon an EQ adventure, I took on the task of tracking down the poor chap's body somewhere in the Karanas. It's always fun to chat awhile with Kondor, as we like to discuss things like glowing stone bands, and such Hummie-related topics.

Machieaveli Shadowstalker

I met Mach back in the Mistmoore/L Fay days. He's a knowledgeable fightin' rogue, and has always been a cool chap to hold a conversation with, too.

Mansor Delacroix

Mansor's one of my oldest EQ friends. From the time we grouped together in North Ro, (in my first full group of six, mind you), up until the present, he's always been a great pal.

Manx Stonewolf

Manx and I grouped up a whole lot back in the ButcherBlock Dwarf hunting days, (a time where I grouped up frequently with many of my druid pals). We had some fun back in those days, an' I still remember how Manx rose to my defense, (and saved a good amount of my money), when I was attacked by a villan.


Apparently, Q here thought the Deadfist Pawn to be a PK, and promptly bagged his stuff. Looks like he fared alright in the end, however.

Actually, that's not the exact circumstances surrounding this screenshot, but I couldn't resist. Q's been a good pal for a long time, ever since he came to the rescue of me and my friends in Befallen.

Ralfein Eternalsoul

I met this wisecracking fellow back in the Mistmoore days, when I joined the guild he led, the Silent Blade. "The Ralf" has been a great pal of mine ever since, helping me out quite a bit in his generous fashion.

Ryian Starchimes

Ryian was one of the handful of bards who frequented Mistmoore with me back in the day, and has always been one to talk with about bardic matters, (although he complains too much, hehe). Nowadays, I usually spot him in near banks, auctioning his wares at his very own RyianMart, where he has a nifty assortment of items to sell from complete elemental staff collections to amusing druid disguises.

Salazin Me'nol

I met my good buddy Sal here, during my time doing battle with the residents of Mistmoore, where, I could always count on Sal to group with me, (though the fella could have easily soloed without my help), in the wee hours of the night when the zone was rather empty. You can also visit Sal's Site, Salazin's very own web page.


I think my first encounter with Smitte was on the boat, with Flikken there as well, headed to Freeport. I was asking id people wanted to practice languages, but they ignored me...hehe may have been AFK or something, it's a long boat ride. Anyway, I met up again with Smitte in Oasis, where he would run around healing everybody like the nice guy that he is. He was kind of low to me, but his goal was to beat me to 50, which he did by a LONG ways, (as did quite a few other friends of mine).

Supr Contra

I've known Supr for awhile now. He's a fun guy to group with and very generous when it comes to trading items, too. Sadly, Supr Contra as I know him is planning on leaving the realm of Norrath. I only hope his heir will uphold his good name.

Talthan Valicar

Here's a coupla pics of Talthan... note that he appears as a Wood Elf in the first pic, and a rather leafy tree in the second one. Anyway, Talthan is a really good pal of mine, always a pleasure to talk to, great to group with, and quite an honorable chap.

Thuro Iach`Feragh

Thuro's another one of my oldest EQ friends, from the North Ro days, (he was also one of the members of that first full group of six I was ever in). He's been a great, reliable friend ever since.

Tiny Dragonslayer

I knew Tiny back in the day when he went by the surname "Soulslayer", when we took on the denizens of Oasis...not excluding that crazy Lockjaw, either. Those were some wild times, let me tell you.

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