Is Rob Stone Marilyn Manson?
Marilyn Manson Rob Stone
Marilyn Manson
Rob Stone
So, are they one and the same?

This has got to be one of the most persistent rumors to abound around both Marilyn Manson and Rob Stone of Mr. Belvedere.  I have received numerous inquiries about this via the old website and I try to respond as best I can with what I know. And what I know is this. Judging from the above photos, I must admit that they do bear some kind of resemblance what with both having singulary long faces. This is more apparent when Rob is not smiling but I have yet to find one photo like that.

However, I believe that they are two different people and here are my reasons why:

1. Any fan of Marilyn knows how tall he is, hitting the ceiling with his more than 6 foot height. Rob, by comparison is relatively shorter, whose height never reach 6 feet.

2. Marilyn Manson was born Brian Warner on January 5, 1969. Rob Stone is older than him by 7 years, having been born on September 22, 1962.

3. If you read closely Rob's bio, it would be clear that it is highly unlikely that Rob would hit the breaks and adopt a totally different career just like that in so short a time. The real Rob has recently produced a video "Blue Angels" for the History Channel.

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