The Producers is written and  directed by Mel Brooks. It stars Zero Mostel and Gene Wilder
In this movie Christopher Hewett played flambuoyant gay movie director named Roger de Bris.

Click on the movie poster above to go to this movie's profile at the Internet Movie Database.

For more pictures of Chris in this role, CLICK HERE.

The Producers is the debut film of writer-director Mel Brooks and it has been considered by many critics to be his first, best, and funniest movie ever.  The story follows the scheme of has-been producer Max Biallystock (Zero Mostel) and his meek accountant Leo Bloom (Gene Wilder). Leo believes that they can make more money producing a flop than a hit so they hired flambouyant movie director Roger De Bris (Christoher Hewett) to direct their sure fire flop "Springtime for Hitler". All hell breaks loose when the show actually hits big time. 

Review at The Laserdisc Review
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