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The person of a sanguine temperament is sometimes called a "people-person". These are the bubbly people who tell animated stories even if they sometimes have to embellish the story just a bit to make it more exciting, who love to go to a party, love to laugh and have fun. They can cheer you up in the midst of just about any situation, just by being there and being kind to you. Depending on the situation, they might be cheering you up by making a joke out of an otherwise serious event.

People with a sanguine temperament are usually comfortable with new social situations, and can talk to anyone from a child to a king. They can always find something to say or something to ask the other person. If the other person is just too shy or reserved to talk, the sanguine will be happy to fill in for him.

You can often spot a sanguine by the excitement in his or her eyes or voice. Excitement is a natural thing to a sanguine person, be it the excitment of joy or anger. Sanguines can go quickly from one emotion to another, and they are not afraid to have others see their emotion, be it a shout of joy, weeping, or yelling at someone. They are often influential and popular -- and they often want, more than anything, to be popular.

If you happen to be familiar with the Winnie the Pooh stories, Tigger is a good example of a sanguine, always bouncing. If there is one thing that people of other temperaments would like of the sanguine, it would be to follow through on a project or on a friendship or relationship, to make us feel special and not bounce too much from us to others.

But, oh! what a bright light the sanguine temperament sheds on the world as they go about making us all smile and laugh.

DISCLAIMER: Please note again, as I said in the introduction to the temperaments, that most people are a combination of two or even three temperaments, and also that there are many other factors that go into the making of our personalities.

More info: Choleric - Sanguine - Melancholy - Phlegmatic

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