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Books by Me

Little Saint Therese Book

Chats with God's Little Ones
(Only $10!)

About US

Margaret Mary Myers started Mothers Almanac in 2001. She homeschooled her children for twenty-six years until her youngest graduated in 2011.  All of her children went on to college. 

Please note that this website is not affiliated in any way with the book by the same name, which I wasn't aware of when I started this website. I'm sorry to say I have not read the book, but I'm sure it's a good one, as it is a bestseller! 

This Mothers Almanac website was a Yahoo Geocities website that lost its domain when Yahoo closed Geocities in 2009. Someone resurrected many of the geocities archives in 2011, and later made it possible for us to take control, once again, and to do some updating.

The webmaster who created this website, Paul Myers, is one of Margaret Mary's six children. He majored in Radio/Television at Northern Kentucky University, and was a Senator on the NKU Student Government, as well as active in the Newman Club and the Knights of Columbus. He also ran two other websites: NKU Student First and the former, popular, Unofficial Clone Wars Site.

Paul passed away in his sleep in 2012 at the age of 26. It was he who made this website what it is. But it is not so much his talent that we all miss, of course, as his general awesomeness. 

And now, back to the regular, long-archived content: 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why did you make this website?

When my oldest children were little, we made many trips to the library, toting home crates full of books to enjoy. As I read their books, I began formulating a plan to write an enrichment handbook, a sort of compilation of recommended library books. I decided I would call it Mothers Almanac. But I didn't know how I would pay for it or distribute it.

Then, through the years, as I homeschooled my children, I would meet people -- at the doctor's office or karate, for example -- who would occasionally ask me for more information about homeschooling. I would ask them a few questions about their preferences, their religion, etc. Then home I would go to gather old magazines and catalogs, and make arrangements to get these to them. I thought there must be an easier way, a way to compile all this information once and for all, and have it ready at my fingertips when someone asked for it.

Then along came the internet! Now I had a vehicle for my dreams...and for more convenience, besides. Now I could provide people with lists of recommended library books, and also with homeschooling information. I could also update information as often as I wished, and provide it all for free. No worry about postage or subscriptions.

Why are there pages on blindness?

Two and a half years ago, our youngest son suddenly became visually impaired (legally blind) due to a rare gene that we didn't know existed. How would we continue to homeschool, and yet get all the information and resources we would need? Once again, the internet was the answer...along with all the wonderful people we met through the internet and elsewhere. As I got deeper and deeper into a new and exciting world of information and people, I decided to expand this website to include information on blindness and visual impairment.

Why is there no punctuation in the title "Mothers Almanac"?

I struggled with this decision, especially as a writer and a teacher. Would I write Mother's Almanac with an apostrophe followed by an "s", meaning it belongs to one mother? After all, I am a mother writing it for you. Or would I write Mothers' Almanac with "s" followed by an apostrophe, meaning it belongs to many mothers, to all the mothers that I'm writing it for. I wanted it to mean both, and I also wanted it to be easy to type and easy to find. So, it is simply Mothers Almanac, with no punctuation. It's not grammatically correct, but it works!

What if I find a link that doesn't go anywhere?

If you find a broken link, please email me to let me know. I will then try to find the correct link and send it to you. There probably will be an occasional broken link, as there are approximately 125 links to resources outside of this website.

What are the most popular pages on this website?

Listed below are the pages that have had the most visits.

Little Saint Therese Book
For children in 2nd or 3rd grade to read to a parent.

Homeschooling a Blind or Visually Impaired Child
Here you will find lots of resources and sources of support.

Blind/Visually Impaired Resources
This page gives you links to websites for learning about blindness, as well as where to obtain.Braille and audio books and other resources for all ages.


margmary53 at yahoo dot com

The layout is managed by webmaster Paul Myers, using a design from Steve's free web templates.

All original content is © Copyright 2001 - present Mothers Almanac, All Rights Reserved.