Since Roe vs. Wade
Since Roe v. Wade:
  ***The number of children relying on AFDC (Aid to Families with Dependent Children) has risen from 8.5 per cent (of all children) in 1970 to 11.9 per cent in 1990.
the number of children living in poverty has increased, from15.1 per cent (of all children) in 1970 to 20.6 per cent in 1990.
the number of teen pregnancies has increased, from 4.94 per cent (of all teenagers) in 1972 to 9.92 per cent in 1990.
  ***The number of teen abortions has increased, from 19.9 per thousand teenagers in 1972, to 43.8 per thousand teenagers in 1990, while the number of teen births has increased from 22.8 per thousand teenagers to 42.5 per thousand teenagers in 1990.

  ***The number of births to unmarried women has increased, from 10.7 per cent (of all births) in 1970, to 28.0 per cent in 1990.

  ***The number of pregnancies ending in abortion has increased, from 12.9 per cent (of total pregnancies) in 1972, to 24.6 per cent in 1990.

  ***The number of juvenile violent crime arrest rates has increased, from 215.9 arrests per 100,000 people in 1970, to 430.6 arrests per 100,000 people in 1990.
Entries are from The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators, by William J. Bennett, published jointly by Empower America and The Heritage Foundation, 1993, vol 1, p. 4-6.

  ***Since abortion was legalized in 1973, the number of reported cases of child abuse has increased by 1,497 per cent, from 167,000 in 1973 to 2.5 million in 1991 (US Department of Health & Human Services).
USC professor Edward Lenoski from Heartbeat surveyed 674 abused children and found 91 per cent were from planned pregnancies. An average of 63 per cent of all pregnancies are wanted.
All of the following quotes are from this source:
--Ney, P., "Relationship Between Abortion and Child Abuse", Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 1979, vol 24, p. 610-620.
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"The rate of increase in child abuse parallels the rate of increase in abortions [in industrialized nations]."

"A woman, to abort her helpless young, must overcome her instinctual impulse to attend to the little one's helplessness.... Even the woman who has undergone several abortions, on seeing her limp fetus, experiences a profound psychological shock that can produce a serious illness."

"...there appears to be an increased number of people who would rather not have any family and a decrease in the value of children to society. In most industrial countries there has been a recent, abrupt shift towards zero or negative population growth."

"Guilt is one of the major factors causing battering and infanticide. There are intolerable feelings of self-hatred, which the parent takes out on the child. Abortion results in guilt and guilt contributes to child battering."

"Abortion contributes to lowered self-esteem, which contributes to child battering. Battering also increases guilt, which could lead to more frequent abortions of subsequent pregnancies." -- We already have this one. -Roc

"The survivor syndrome, a mixture of guilt and anger, may be experienced by children in a family where an abortion was done. Their guilt produces depression, often exhibited as irritability and lethargy, which to the parents smacks of rudeness and disrespect, the very things that trigger many batterings."

"In some instances, a guilt-ridden child unconsciously triggers parental hostility because he feels that he should be punished for his aggressive feeling. 'You killed my baby brother, you better go ahead and kill me.'"
"Some aborting women felt that they were carrying out the unconscious wishes of their rejecting mothers who had not wanted their own birth and had in many cases, actually tried to prevent it."

"...abortion on request not only increases the rates of child battering at present, but it will increase the tendency to batter and abort in succeeding generations. Abortion, producing guilt in both the mother and in the children who survive, increases the probability of displaced hostility, which results in battered or murdered children."
Source: Todd Primm
Post-Abortion healing
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Professional opinions as to "why?" for the statistics
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