From Sarah: ([email protected])
wow, ur rather ignorant aren't u, i  live in nz not the united states
and to
  although ethnic minorities maybe in the majority of statistics for
abortion,there are many reason  it can  be due to  carelessness and
the lack of education which  may  take place for these young women. I'm
saying that excuses falling pregnant  but i  believe that,  that  there
genuine ppl out there who  do  fall  pregnant by  accident, and they 
genuinely have choices avaliable to  them. What  the fuck  is this
crap? Abortion is a choice,  not murder of a race. I think ur very 
uninformed and have strange ideas about these things,  which  is ur
right of
course but to  spout race into  abortion is wrong. I bet u go  to 
white middle class, maybe even  from the south. *
*This was in response to a post on a message board where I stated that abortion was the genocide of unborn babies.
You're pretty quick to pass judgments, eh?  I don't go to church, I am white (and 1/4 American Indian) and I'm from Chicago, IL..just to set you straight on that one.  You're the ignorant one, or should I say blind and ignorant.

Ignorant: Unaware or Uninformed..
You are both my dear.  Unaware of the reality of abortion and obviously uniformed.  I have studied abortion for 3 years now, going over FACTS AND STATISTICS that have absolutely nothing to do with pro-life or pro-choice.  And this is what I have found...

- In 1986 government scientists wrote a letter to the British Journal Lancet and acknowledged that abortion is a cause of breast cancer.

-Currently there are 5 major medical groups who acknowledge abortion is a cause of breast cancer and strongly recommend doctors to warn patients of a highly plausible relationship between abortion and breast cancer.

-Since Roe vs. Wade the number of children on public aid (AFDC) has risen from 8.5% of all children in 1970 to 11.9% of children in 1990.

-Since abortion was legalized in 1973, the number of reported cases of child abuse has increased by 1,497 per cent, from 167,000 in 1973 to 2.5 million in 1991 (US Department of Health & Human Services).
USC professor Edward Lenoski from Heartbeat surveyed 674 abused children and found 91 per cent were from planned pregnancies. An average of 63 per cent of all pregnancies are wanted.

-Now that abortion is legal the number of unwed mothers giving birth has risen from 10.7% in 1970 to 28.0% in 1990 (even more so as of today).
And my "fan e-mail" response
Before you call someone ignorant, make sure you aren't the ignorant one. Come to me with some facts before you spew your ill-formed, misspelled, illiterate argument at me. **
-**I have a tendency to be extremely sarcastic in my responses with dealing with these sort of people.  Especially when her e-mail wasn't solicited. That's just me. I don't condone violence in the abortion battle.
Pro-life Links
A Look at Me
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Post-Abortion Healing
Liberal Feminism
I think I'm pregnant, help!
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