Liberal feminism was a necessary movement which has become obsolete. The
voice of true feminism is now heard from those women who do not desire to be
like a man, but desire to be free to be who they are. They embrace their
unique capability to reproduce and they embrace the maternal desires and
instincts. The biggest mistake made by the liberal feminist movement was in
the belief that by giving women the choice to abort, women would be elevated
to a higher social level in the workplace and at home. The theory being, that
women who can control their reproductive physiology, would be more equal to
men. Women would no longer have to be burdened with a pregnancy and thus
would be more able to compete with men, shunning or avoiding, the
inevitability of childbirth and all it's responsibilities, if they so chose.
Careers could continue or start, without the complications of rearing an
unplanned child. The birth of this movement however, should be placed in
context with the social, technical and subjective morals intrinsic to that
time. We have progressed rapidly in all these arenas, and our knowledge of
fetal development, the availability of various advanced birth control methods
and the increased empathy of pregnancy outside of traditional institutions,
renders the philosophy of the original movement archaic. An ill-fitting white

True feminists today realize the ignorance of the theory that women
are either too weak, or too busy to rear an unplanned child. This is the
mouthpiece that gives validation to the lie that women are inherently weaker
than men. It diminishes our capabilities and it denies the true meaning of
our genetic, spiritual and emotional drives. While pro-choice ideology, in
theory, supports individual choice and claims to protect the privacy and
rights of each individual to choose, it is fatally flawed in it's ignorance
to realize it's whole effect on society, and it's ideology that
psychologically sets a foundation for women to believe that they are
incapable of following their biological nature, except under the most
opportunistic situations. It is a truly bigoted view, giving credence only to
the wanted or planned individuals, while at the same time sanctifying the
same type of individuals who happen to be at the same stage of life, merely
because they are wanted. They give validation to only those individuals who
they "create" as the situation lends itself. If these individuals are not
wanted, they do not exist. If the same individual is wanted, they do exist.
The hypocrisy in this is readily apparent. Unable to stand firmly on one side
or the other, they rely on "fairy tale" thinking in which they are the
creators of only the life they deem to be valuable within their limited
universe. In direct opposition to clear scientific fact, they refuse to
examine the evidence of life, and without examination of the physical
evidence of life, they proclaim it is not life. Therefore, they support their
self delusional ideology and excuse themselves from logically arguing their
point. This ideology is the baby of the original feminist movement. Real
feminists fight for validation and respect of women's biological, spiritual
and social standing without removing or ignoring any aspect of a woman's
being. Real feminists fight for the right to bear their children with
dignity, knowing we are equal and capable of child rearing, personal growth
and professional advancement at the same time. Contrary to pro-choice
thinking, real feminism believes that sacrifice is not a character flaw, but
rather a defining characteristic of women. When women sought to be like men
they destroyed themselves. Instead, we should of fought to be the opposite
and complimentary partners of men. Equal in every!  way, but proud and
protective of our differences. Abortion on demand has belittled women,
diminished mankind and was created from a lie that renders the thinking of
naive and young women to that of a victim of their own femininity. Liberal
feminism is on it's death bed.
It is, in fact, anti-women.

By: Rhonda L. Blair
(my mother)
Liberal Feminism
Links for pro-lifers
A Look at Me
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