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Thank you to everyone who helped with this project.  It has been a wonderful experience!  Everyone who made
a crane should be very proud.  It turned out great and was warmly received and admired in New York.

Here I am with Commissioner Mullgrav in New York.  She was very gracious.
Many from her staff came to see the presentation.  They are keeping the mobile and will
display it at their YOUTHfusion meeting in October.  The meeting is to discuss ways youth
can use the Arts in the healing process for traumatic events like September 11th.

The sign we had a Seattle Center

We displayed the finished mobile at Seattle Center before we left for New York City   Here's a view of the mobile from the bottom.  My brother Garrett took this picture.  He thinks it looks like a star fish.

My friend Lindy Lingle helping kids at the Clark County Fair

Left to Right - Me; Washington American Coed Jr. Teen, Shalane Larango;
Clark County Fair Princesses Alexis Hahn, Rachael Rose Roberts and Queen Elisha Ramage;
Washington American Coed Teen, Janet Harding

KOMO Kids' Day at Seattle Center

Interviewing on Radio Disney.

Folding cranes at the 4th of July Festival at Lake Union

With Taylor and Stephanie at the 4th of July Festival.

With Guppo the Clown and Stephanie at the
Wenatchee Youth Circus.
My First Event
Seattle Sounders at Seahawk Stadium

With my friend Taylor waiting for the Gates to open.

The first kids to stop at the table.

Here I am with Lily (age 5).  She made a great crane!

My mom showing some boys how to make a crane.



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