Painting Bin

Projects I'm working on...

Last updated: July 22, 2003


-- finished! And if I must say so, they do look gorgeous...check 'em out!!!

Medieval Malays

Army number two in my SE Asian project is the Medieval Malaysians. The figures are nearly all from Falcon via The Quartermaster and are an absolute snap to paint. Many of them have little but a loincloth and weapons. Just tonight (July 22, 2003), I finished painting the last of the warbands I need to do. I have waited until I finished all 48 of them so that I can better mix them on the bases. An irregular army like this always looks much better with a variety of poses on each stand. I can't wait to see them all based and flocked!

I am doing this army in "Double DBA" size, so next up is a batch of 12 bowmen, 4 elephants, 4 blowpipe dudes...and heck, that's it! Then, I promise myself, I will get back to finishing off my 10mm World War II, below. I promise...stay focussed...ignore those really cool JR Miniatures camps and buildings...

World War II

I've been on quite the binge, lately, reading Steven Ambrose's excellent World War II history books, and watching the DVDs of HBO's "Band of Brothers." So, it isn't surprising I've begun a World War II project. I priced it all out and decided that the most affordable option, but with sufficient visual "bang," was 10mm. I know 15mm World War II is all the rage, now, but frankly the armor is too darned expensive. So, I bought a couple of Perrin Miniatures 10mm Starter Packs for the U.S. and German forces, along with some armor. I was surprised how small 10mm infantry really is, or at least Perrin's 10mm. I was expecting them to be a tad larger, but I guess the "scale creep" in 15mm had me fooled. Anyway, I'm happy with how they are turning out. As uncertain as I was about the infantry's size, I DO enjoy the size of the tanks and armored vehicles.

Seven Years War Russians

Unfortunately, this project has been kind of squeezed aside, of late. I've been wanting to paint up a new army to join my Prussians and Austrians. I've only got two battalions of infantry done, so this one is still a long way from getting completed. My first thought was to do the "Black Prime & Drybrush" method for these troops. However, after trying it on a battalion, I was unhappy with the results. So, it is back to my slower, white primed, block painting method. When I DO get around to getting back in gear on these, they should prove quite colorful with their Christmas style red and green uniforms!

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