Medieval Camp

Medieval Camp

I did this camp at the same time as I did the Pig Roast. The base is a thick bass wood with slopes carved into the edges with an X-acto knife. Along the edge is a rampart formed of air drying clay, with leftover 15mm leaad spears stuck into it at an angle as stakes. The tents are resin ones I purchased at Cold Wars (I believe from J&T). I took some leftover lead lances and leaned them up against a bent paperclip to form the lance rack. The soldier is a spare one from Rank & File's excellent halberdier pack.

I like this camp, although it is a too large to normally accompany me in my figure box. I actually made up a third, at the same time as the pig roast. It featued one tent and a large, scratch built banner. I gave it away at the 2002 Great Lakes Big Battle DBA Tournament. I figured I wouldn't need a third Medieval Camp, and I liked the above one and the Pig Roast better. You can see it below, being fought over by opposed lines of knights. That is Gunter Eickert attempting to hold off the hordes of enemy knights from the camp.

Medieval Camp

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