Egyptian Camp

Egyptian Camp

My scan doesn't really do this one justice, in my opinion. For years, I didn't have a specialized camp for my New Kingdom Egyptian army. Then, one day, I was reading Chaim Herzog's "Battles of the Bible" and saw a drawing of the Battle of Kadesh. Specifically, it featured the Egyptian camp. The camp wall was made up of the shields of the infantry, and it also had tents and various other camp activites depicted. I thought, "Hmmm...I can do this!"

The shields are cut from thick cardboard and set in a slot I cut into the bass wood base. The tent is a simple card stock one made to look like the one in the Kadesh drawing. I cannibalized an extra chariot, and the guy behind the standard bearer is repairing it, one wheel under his army and another holding aloft some sort of hammer (which is often the way I fix things). The standard bearer and the infantryman peeking out from the tent flap completes this somewhat crowded camp. I will eventually have to take another picture to give a better view of the back of the camp with the broken chariot and such.

Rear view of Egyptian camp showing repair of chariot

And here is that rear view, showing the worker repairing a chariot wheel.

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