Recipes for Disaster: a Pyromaniac's guide to cooking
   "This is Bob. When I cook, he's the one I have to please. He does all the taste-testing, he tells me what it still needs, and he's the one who tries to flush me down the toilet when the food isn't up to par. Therefore, I have gotten to be a pretty damn good cook, considering my limited ingredients. Every time I come up with something new, I will add it to the list below. It's gonna start out small, but it'll get bigger, just like Bob here. And don't worry--he doesn't eat people.....usually.

So have a smiley meal!"
Furbies are currently dissolving in Bob's stomach.
DAMN! Chile (I lied, it's coming soon)

The Ultimate Burrito (see above)

Beef Romanoff

Mulligan Stew (Vegetarian)

Cheap Ass Ramen Spaghetti

Vegetarian Chile

Bean Casserole

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"I'm not afraid."
"You will be. You will be."

Luke and Yoda, discussing my cooking techniques
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