Mette's handball corner   for fans of Danish team handball

World championships 1957 - 1990

[The results after 1990]

World Championship 1957 in Yugoslavia:

Denmark - Rumania 6-1
Denmark - Austria 9-4

Denmark - Hungary 5-5
Denmark - Yugoslavia 7-10
Match for 5.-6. place:
Denmark -Austria 10-6

Gold: Czechoslovakia. Silver Hungary. Denmark no. 5

WC 1962 in Rumania:

Denmark - Hungary 8-4
Denmark - Japan 12-7
Denmark - Soviet Union10-4
Denmark - Yugoslavia 7-5
Finals: Denmark - Rumania 5-8 (2-5)

Gold: Rumania. Silver: Denmark.

WC 1965 in BRD:

Denmark - Yugoslavia 6-11
Denmark - Japan 10-9
Denmark - BRD 5-7
Match for 5.-6. place:
Denmark - Rumania 10-9

Gold: Hungary. Silver: Yugoslavia. Denmark no. 5.

WC 1971 in The Nederlands:

Denmark - Japan 11-7
Denmark - BRD 12-11
Denmark - Rumania 11-11
Denmark - DDR 7-12
Match for 5.-6. place:
Denmark - BRD 9-13

Gold: DDR. Silver: Yugoslavia. Denmark no. 6.

WC 1973 in Yugoslavia:

Denmark - The Nederlands 13-4
Denmark - Yugoslavia 10-11
Denmark - Soviet Union 10-10
Denmark - Poland 12-12
Match for 7.-8. place:
Denmark - Norway 12-10

Gold: Yugoslavia. Silver: Rumania. Denmark no. 7.

WC 1975 in the Soviet Union:

Denmark - Yugoslavia 9-16
Denmark - Hungary 9-17
Denmark - Tunesia 25-8
Denmark - Poland 9-16
Denmark - Norway 10-12

Gold: DDR. Silver: Soviet Union. Denmark no. 9.

WC 1978 in Czechoslovakia: Gold DDR and silver Soviet Union. DK not participating.
WC 1982 in Hungary: Gold Soviet Union and silver Hungary. DK not participating.
WC 1986 in The Nederlands. Gold Soveit Union and silver Czechoslovakia. (-)

WC 1990 in South Korea:

Denmark - Soviet Union 17-21
Denmark - DDR 13-19
Denmark - Angola 7-22
Denmark - Norway 16-20
Denmark - Bulgaria 19-20
Denmark - Rumania 26-19
Match for 9.-10. place:
Denmark - Poland 26-27

Gold to the Soviet Union and silver to Yugoslavia. Denmark no. 10.




[The results after 1990]


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