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Happy Anniversary ;)
by: calledasmeri, 29th March 2013

Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you...
Twenty ninth of March is the anniversary of my school, SMAN Sumatera Selatan.
Today is  our 4th anniversary. We celebrated it this morning until afternoon. It was began by a gardening time, followed by an official ceremony lead by our principal, Ibu Erma Retnowati and Pak Ade Karyana, who was born on the same date with our school. After the opening, there were some performances from the students of SMAN Sumatera Selatan in our theater room which has been decorated with some colorful balloons and ribbons.

At the afternoon, we had house competition which held by Rhino House. There were 'moving water' and 'balloon dance' competition. It was great.

Well, Happy Birthday my school, hope you can achieve your mission to create the Indonesian future leaders :D