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First, from Dr. Isidor.  (Between Saruman and Radagast, the email starts flying)

Attn: Mr Suraman White,  


Good day sir we want to let you know that you are the one holding the processing of your consingment as we have identify one with the number sent  to us, know untill this charge is payed no other step shall be taken.    

Please go ahead and make the payment and send the receiving information, Sending information: 

Mr John Kennedy, (Account Dept), 
Global Links Security and Commission,  
Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire.   

Thank You.



Dear Dr. Isibor:   

As mentioned in yesterday's email, my assistant Mr. Brown is looking into what happened with the Western Union payment, and you probably should contact him so that the two of us are not doing the same work twice.   

One question however: you mention above that payment should be sent to John Kennedy.  Previously you stated I should send payment to Jeffery Omoriodion.  Well, which one should receive payment?  Has something happened to Mr. Omoriodion?  Should we be concerned with this?   


Saruman White, CEO 
Orthanc Towers Condominium Complex

Sent "privately" to the good doctor:

I wish it were going to be that easy.  

Unfortunately for us both, Mr. White has put us in quite a pickle. Even though, of course, the misroute of the original transfer is due to Mr. White's own mistake, he still insists that I track it down before sending another. Mr. White fancies himself as frugal like that - more like a tightwad if you ask me (but do keep that between you and, if you don't mind).  Heck, you should even see these offices at Orthanc Towers that we're imprisoned in - everything done all in obsidian - won't even hire a proper decorator like my cousin Girma.  ;-)  Ah, well.   

I still do not have the data on that first particular transfer - could you send that information back to me? It will expedite both the return of it and the issue of the new one as you request above.   

In the meantime, if you tire of trying to work this through with Mr. White, I may have a counter proposal for you. I understand if you are ethically bound to your original client so, if you feel I'm being impertinent, please disregard. 


And to both Saruman and Dr. Isidor:

Yes, Mr. White. I am working the issue and will try to have a resolution for you shortly.  Sorry for any delays, sir.

And later, solely to Dr. Isidor:

> Yes, Mr. White.  
I am working the issue and will try 
> to have a resolution for you shortly.  Sorry for any 
> delays, sir.   

As you can see as I alluded to earlier, Mr. White can be a somewhat difficult man to work with, nevermind work for.  Ah, well, mayhaps soon this will no longer be an issue.  ;-)  Again, thank you for your understanding and confidentiality.


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