Stanton Macdonald-Wright

Stanton Macdonald-Wright: Pictor moderne (1890–1973), del Statos Unite, mais anque con influentia in/de Europa e Japon.

Interlingua: EuroLingua natural de Fran�ais, Español, English, Portugese & Italiano, e un poco de Deutch (German) e Русский (Russki). Le latino moderne, legibile facilemente per multe Europeos.

Tabula de Contentos:

  1. Imagines del Obras
  2. Biographia In Interlingua
  3. Biography In English
  4. Extracto de un Interview
  5. Altre Formatos

Imagines del Obras

Biographia In Interlingua

Iste biographia es in le dominio public. Copia illo por alique tu vole.

  1. Introduction
  2. Anterior Influentias e Europa (1890–1912)
  3. Le Epoca del Guerra (1913–1918)
  4. Portante le Evangelio de Arte Moderne a California (1920–1925)
  5. Disveloppamento de Influentias Japonese (1927–1973)

Biography In English

This biography is in the public domain. Copy it for anything you want.

  1. Introduction
  2. Earlier Influences and Europe (1890–1912)
  3. The War Period (1913–1918)
  4. Taking the Gospel of Modern Art to California (1920–1925)
  5. Development of Japanese Influences (1927–1973)

Extracto de un Interview

Un section de un interview con Stanton Macdonald-Wright, con observationes multo profunde. Disponsibile in English original, o Interlingua traduction:

Altre Formatos

  1. Biographia in Formato Texto (e Interlingua e English)
  2. Biographia in Formato PDF (Interlingua)
  3. Biography in PDF Format (English)

Per Tom Croft, <>

Modificate: 2003-06-09, 2003-06-10, 2003-06-30

Texto in Interlingua, vide

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