Camp Wah-Tut-Ca
5-6 October, 2002
First camping trip of the 2002/2003 Scouting year.  Eight scouts and three adults participated on the trip from 5-6 October.  The troop camped right on the lakefront at the Kimosabee troop site.  Highlights of the day; 1)  Setting up tents in high winds and anchoring with scout knots, 2) Orienteering course (with perhaps a few way points off target!), and a night time game of Man Hunt.
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Arriving at site
Setting up tents in high winds - involved teamwork and patience
At the rifle range Troop 49 conducting fire lighting ceremony
Yes, it is possible for an entire patrol of five to fit in a three man tent - perhaps not much sleep - but possible Camp in early morning
Camp in early morning
Delicious breakfast of oatmeal and...crutons?
Discussing plans for summer camp
Morning campfire
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