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[ Summer Uniform Ryotsu ] [ Swat Ryotsu ]

Summer Uniform Ryotsu


Check out those pearly whites

I present to you the Kankichi Ryotsu Action Dolls by Bandai Japan. I really don't know much about the background of Ryotsu. Thankfully I have found a Ryotsu fan that was willing to help this newbie out with the background info. The fan's name is Ed. I haven't put his email here as I haven't been given permission yet.

Kankichi Ryotsu (last name first) is the protagonist of one of Japan's longest running serial comics (if not the longest running). I believe it debuted around 1975 in Weekly Shonen Jump magazine and it's been running ever since. The title is actually "Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Kouen Mae Hashutsujo (litral translation. "This is the Katsushika Ward Kameari Park Police Box")," but it's most commonly referred to as "Kochikame" for short. The Japanese name sounds better than the literal English translation.

The manga has been running a long time and the most recent Jump comic I have lists 117 compilation volumes and counting. The comic has spawned all kinds of toys and merchandise too numerous to even ponder as well as a few animation series.

The story centers around Ryotsu, who is a police officer operating out of the aforementioned police box. Basically, it's all about Ryotsu's goofy schemes and how he gets in and out of scrapes he usually creates with the aid of his supporting cast.

A common misconception among those unfamiliar with the series is that Ryotsu is a "good cop".(Don't worry I also made this mistake. -MicroJoe) He's actually a lecherous slacker who's always got a scheme involving money, gambling, smut, or some such going on. He does have some police instinct, though, and does pride himself in dealing with criminals.

That's a real REAL quick overview.... with 20 some odd years and over 100 books out, there's a hell of a lot of ground to cover.(Thanks to Ed for the assist. You know who you are!) I also want to add a tiny bit of info I know about Rytosu. See I'm not completely in the dark about Ryotsu's background. In the Japanese comic Ryotsu dreamt about having an action figure of himself that was better than the original 12" GI Joe (Combat Joe in Japan). Well Bandai answered his dreams. Now to begin my part of this show.

I currently have two of the Ryotsu dolls in my collection. I own the Summer Uniform Ryotsu and the Swat Ryotsu. Bandai also released a Police Uniform Ryotsu, Action Pilot Ryotsu, Security Ryotsu and a Festival Ryotsu. I do not know of any other available versions. But don't count out the possibility, as Bandai is well known for releasing super low limited editions of anything and everything.

I bought the two Ryotsu dolls a little while after they were released. Back then the doll was not that known and I was able to get them for a decent price. However by the time I attempted to get thos other Ryotsu dolls, they had gained in popularity and the prices shot through the roof. It didn't help that Bandai didn't produce these toys in large production numbers.

Currently it is very difficult to find any Ryotsu doll except for the Summer Uniform, which seems to be the most common one. Every once in awhile one of the less common Ryotsu dolls appears on eBay and the price quickly rises out of my range. I am currently looking to find the Security Ryotsu and the Action Pilot Ryotsu. If you have them please email me at , as I am interested in buying it or working out a trade. Even though the Ryotsu Action Dolls have gotten hard to find for a low price I never stop looking, as you never know. Like I tell other collectors, " Don't ever give up on that holy grail toy".

Not knowing anything about the origin of Ryotsu didn't stop me from buying the Ryotsu Action Dolls. I was floored when I first saw them. I love toys with alot of character and funky looks. Take a look at the pics and you'll see that Ryotsu fits the bill. I was amazed at the amount of articulation found on these toys. These Action dolls have over 40+ points of articulation. They even have articulated fingers and toes. Take a look below. At their time there was nothing that came close to the level of articulation found on these toys. The 12" GI Joes couldn't hold a candle to the Ryotsu dolls. As of late alot of new very well articulated 12 inchers have popped up. I don't collect 12" figures so I can't say if the Ryotsu Action Dolls is still tops in terms of articulation points. Just for your info. The Ryotsu dolls measure about 9 to 10 inches in height.

As is expected from Bandai the Ryotsu dolls come packed with accessories. Each Ryotsu figure generally comes with its own accessories, which fit the outfit. The wriedest accessory honor goes to the Policeman Uniform and Summer Uniform Ryotsu. These two figures are basically the same except for the shirt These Ryotsu dolls include three cell phones, incase two break down you still have a back up.
Sandals, since you have to look fashionable chasing down criminals.
A wooden baton cause that would strike fear in the hearts of evil doers.
And the weirdest of all, a Tamagotchi. Remember that here one minute, gone the next sensation? What a policeman in Tokyo would want with a Tamagotchi beats the heck out of me. But the Tamagotchi was made by Bandai, which explains the accessory.
All the Ryostu figures also feature boxers cause everyone knows tightie whities are no good. The boxer designs of some of the Ryotsu dolls can get flashy.


Ryotsu says hello


Freeze! You are under arrest


Don't make my slap you up side yo head!


Every cop needs a gun


Check out my knee articluation.


From the front


Police Business is fun!!


Turn that camera off
I'm shy

Below are a close up pictures of Ryotsu. These give a better display of the figure's features.


Close up of my gun.


I have two cell phones in my pocket.


Here is my third phone.
Quiet. I am planning a hot date.


Check out my articulated fingers.
Can you count to five?


You can tell the age of the Ryotsu Action Dolls by this pic. He has his own little Tamagotchi electronic pet. Anyone remember these? You gotta love those Bandai Marketing guys.


Tamagotchi close up


Say cheese!


I even have articulated feet.
Check out my toes.


Here are my sandals.

Swat Ryotsu

Swat Ryotsu

Swat Ryotsu Close Up

Swat Ryotsu close up

Swat Ryotsu Side Close Up

Swat Ryotsu Side Close Up

Ready for next assignment

The detail and the sculpt of the figure is dead on from the few manga pictures I've seen of Ryotsu. Bandai really did a good job capture his likeness from what I can tell. The facial expressions of all the Ryotsu figures are incredible. My favorite of the bunch is the Swat Ryotsu. Check out the head sculpt and see why. The facial expression of the Summer Unifrom Ryotsu really doesn't fit the unifrom in my opinion. How are you supposed to bust criminals when you have that big kool aid smile on your face? But from the little info I know of Ryotsu, it suits the character, as Ryotsu is a goofy guy. Police life in Japan must be easy.

The material used for the uniforms of the Ryotsu dolls is very high quality and possesses a good feel. The uniforms of the Ryotsu dolls are generally held together with velcro. Most people hate velcro use in uniforms and prefer a more realistic look. But I could honestly care less. I prefer figures with a funky look and design. I also like toys with alot of character. And in my book the Ryotsu fits the bill.

Of the two Ryotsu dolls I own, the Swat Ryotsu is my favorite. One look at the uniform should tell you why. I'm a fan of the Swat look. And putting a scully over the head of a Swat figure makes it ten times better then before. Pull off the scully and you have one of my favorite head sculpts of all time and across all toylines. Check out the close up shots above. Look at them. Ryotsu looks like he has been out on a two week mission with no food or sleep. Look how tired and scruffy his face looks. Bandai deserves two thumbs up for this head sculpt.

The Ryotsu toy is one tough dude. I bought the Swat Ryotsu loose with packaging. I believe it's missing only a tiny figurine of himself. Remember Ryotsu is a dreamer and wanted an action figure of himself. Who hasn't? The Swat Ryotsu is a no nonsense kind of guy. No corny tamagotchi or wooden baton here . This Ryotsu is armed to the gills and ready for action. I'm not a military expert so the following explanations won't be that hot. The Swat Ryotsu has a machine gun with several clips for fast reloading and two handguns.

I keep getting asked by collectors what size the Ryotsu doll is? Is it in scale with my 12" GI Joes. The Ryotsu doll measures about 9 to 10 inches. I'm not sure as I've never really measured it. So you are probably thinking since the Ryotsu doll is only 9 to 10 inches, its not in scale. But it most likely is as in the comic Ryotsu is rather short and stocky. In the comic his height is under 5'6" so he is pretty much in scale with 12" GI Joes as I belive those are based on a 6' human. Am I correct? Another thing to remember is Ryotsu is supposed to be incredibly strong, and they often make a point of that.

I personally recommend any of the Ryotsu dolls to any collector who is looking for a toy with character and a style its own. If that sounds like what you want you then have a winner here. Hopefully I can get the Security and Action Pilot Ryotsu in the future, as these are the two I most want. And you can beat if I get them I'll be popping them up on line.

Swat Ryotsu

Waiting for orders

Swat Ryotsu

Need to reload

Swat Ryotsu


Swat Ryotsu

Ever good swat officer carries back ups

Swat Ryotsu

Don't move

Swat Ryotsu

Waiting in hiding for a Prep

Swat Ryotsu

Eat your heart out Neo.

Swat Ryotsu

Oh no, your gun is bigger then mine.

Below are a close up pictures of Ryotsu. These give a better display of the figure's features.

Swat Ryotsu

Don't move!!!
Who you calling a DOLL??

Swat Ryotsu

I could kick your Mego's but!!.

Swat Ryotsu

You want some? COME GET SOME!!!.

Swat Ryotsu

Don't move.

Swat Ryotsu

Checkout my back up gun

Swat Ryotsu


Swat Ryotsu

Ouch, my beard is rough.
I need a shave

Swat Ryotsu

Hey, I need a man's razor.

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