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In Loving Memory - The Ultimate Connection

This day is upon me
Once again
It brings back memories
and thoughts of him
The powerful vocals
That always moved
The super cool moves
That always grooved
I can't forget
The style and flair
Or that it was vision
That brought them here
Without you, Paulie;
There would be none
No image, no tone
No Temptation
Your persona
Is what I recall most
The drive, the confidence
Without seeming to boast
This day is upon me
Yet again
The memories, the moments
Form the ultimate connection

Beauty of the Spirit
© Marilyn Ferguson - 2003

Of all the wonders in this world
There’s beauty in the soul
Precious as the hands of time
An essence, pure and whole.

Some will go for beauty’s grace
In flowing locks of hair
But it will lose its luster soon
When the spirit isn’t there.

Others look to faces, young
In worldly magazines
But they are full of sinful traps
Look to the soul, unseen.

There’s beauty in the spirit
Beyond this flesh that dies
A pretty face will fade away
But one in Christ will rise.

There’s treasure in the soul, my friend
It last throughout all time
The beauty never fades away
Nor wilts upon the vine.

Enduring as the sword of truth
That dwells in Beulah land
The flaming torch, God’s light that shines
Within the breast of man.

Music: Donny Hathaway - Someday We'll All Be Free


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