
Sorry guys, I’m on a David Bowie post-a-thon and you can’t stop me. How many has Bowie inspired over the years? Hundreds? Thousands? Millions? Consider this the month of Bowie, I’ll stop when my grief passes.

Saturday Night Live


Speaking of dead heroes, when I was a kid, I worshipped George Carlin. We salute you even in death George! Some people thought you weren’t funny at the end, but I know better. Here's one of his full shows.

Stand up Comedy


2015 was the year of the howling, screaming 'social justice' bombardment at universities in America, and Sargon of Akkad dissects it with honesty, intellectual fairness, and a critical eye for hypocrisy. Sorry, kids, no one can or is going to guarantee your security.

Sargon of Akkad


I must admit, I love videogames just as much as the next slob. I've been paying particular attention to Fallout 4 Battle videos on Youtube recently. They're both hilarious and awesome. I will own a copy eventually, after the inevitable wave of expansion packs is released.

Cosmic Contrarian


I found this video to be very professional and helpful. All of you learning to draw, take note.

Draw with Jazza