You can find a lot of cool, free music on SoundCloud, here's a quick skim for this week. What would an 'audio' page be without a song from the almighty and melodic Deftones?

New stuff from Marilyn Manson. Honestly I didn't care for it much when I first heard it but after a few listens… I like it, I like it a lot. Although the man still has not dropped the disoriented mime schtick after all these years, the music is still demonically rocking and highly recommened.

This isn’t my all-time favorite song by The Kidneythieves, but still worthy of displaying on my page nonetheless. If you like female-fronted industrial rock, crunchy guitar riffs sprinkled with some metal and pop here and there, these guys do that… with sexy results. Hit play and rock out, freak.


Here's my own contrubution to web audio, you can find even more at https://soundcloud.com/v3ritasartist-1 My friend Reid and I recorded a few minimalist tracks using guitar and violin a few years back. This track is nearly atonal, but there's still a melody somewhere in there. (On violin: Oliver Reid Chalker)

A mock radio infomercial I scripted back in college. Best skit ever. Best voice actors ever. (Voice credit: Amy Craigen, Jeff Mullane)

Made in 2009 when I was doing a radio show for MySpace. A collage of skits and a celebration of radio, I come from radio, it's what I've done professionally, and if I could control all the airwaves in the universe it would all pretty much sound like this. Listen and unlearn! (Voice credit: Jerry Goodwin, Seth G. Michael Adams) (Script credit: Nikko E. for “Dogz Don’t Give a Sh*t’)