If the Arabs lay down their weapons, there will be peace.  If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be no more Israel.
The Benny Elon Peace Plan

A Seven Part Comprehensive Plan
Toward Peace in the Middle East


1. Government Leadership: declare the Palestinian Authority an Enemy of the Jewish State.

2. Military Action: Destroy the Terror Infrastructure by removing every terrorist, weapon and bomb factory from Judea, Samaria & Gaza.

3. Nullify, in its entirety, the Oslo Accords and dismantle the Palestinian Authority.

4. Following the cessation of hostilities, negotiations will commence under international auspices to solve the refugee problem through the relocation of displaced Arabs to Arab countries and the dismantling of refugee camps.

5. Acceptance of two countries for two people on two sides of the Jordan. The Jordanian/Palestinian state with Amman as its capital, and the Jewish state with Jerusalem as its capital.

6. Arabs remaining in Judea, Samaria & Gaza will become citizens of the Jordanian/Palestinian state. Arab Palestinians holding Israeli Citizenship will be offered alternate citizenship in the Jordanian/Palestinian state.

7. If the Arabs of Judea, Samaria & Gaza breach the terms of this plan, they will be expelled to their state on the other side of the Jordan River.

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More details of the Benny Elon Peace Initiative can be found at:

The Right Road To Peace


Jordan is the Partner by Benny Elon

Interview with Benny Elon by Caroline Glick

Frontpage.com article by Benny Elon

World Net Daily Article

Jerusalem News Wire Article

Sheikh Professor Abdul Hadi Palazzi, Director of the Cultural Institute of the Italian Islamic Community Supports the Elon Plan

Exclusive: E-Correspondence Between LET ISRAEL WIN and Dr. Mitchell Bard, Author of  Myths and Facts

Return the �Palestinians� back to where they originated? By Richard Z. Chesnoff

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