If the Arabs lay down their weapons, there will be peace.  If the Israelis lay down their weapons, there will be no more Israel.
To devise a realistic, employable plan to stop the terror in Israel.

Mission statement:
The free world must stop terrorism. 

The Problem:
Islamic fanaticism, which has no regard for human life, has declared war against the non-Muslim world.  This war has manifested in all parts of the world, but the main battle is fought in the land of Israel. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) exists primarily to defend the free citizens of the state of Israel from harm.  Due to tremendous forces from the United States, the Israeli political left, the United Nations, and the European Union, the government of Israel has chosen to restrain the IDF from utilizing their full capability to extinguish terrorism within her borders.  Due to these political conditions, hundreds of innocent Israeli civilians have been murdered at the hands of Islamic extremists.  These Islamic extremists, who pose the greatest evil to our generation, receive minimal retribution from the IDF, usually in the form of targeted assassinations or the demolishing of the empty structures that housed the terrorist.  This website maintains that these minimal acts of retribution are not sufficient to protect the citizens of Israel from being unjustifiably murdered.  No citizen of Israel is safe, whether in a car, bus, store, restaurant, or even their own home.  No free nation should stand aside defenseless as its people are murdered.

The Solution:
The most moral realistic solution to decrease the terror in Israel is a plan entitled the
Benny Elon Plan, sometimes entitled The Right Road to Peace.  This essentially calls for a two state solution, a free and democratic state of Israel west of the Jordan River, and a Palestinian state east of the Jordan River.

Purpose of Website:
Since the
Benny Elon Plan plan is currently the most moral realistic idea, the purpose of this website to find a way to help make this plan a reality.  This will likely include methods of convincing the Israeli left of their misguided philosophies, instating government officials in the United States who are sympathetic to the Israeli cause, educating current United States politicians, and empowering the Israeli riight.  Furthermore, this website serves as a resource center for advocates of Israel and the Benny Elon Plan, as well as a referral site for people who would like to learn more on this topic and other Israel-related issues.

How To Help:
Email your ideas to us.  Your ideas will be posted on the idea page.  Once we have real ideas that can be implemented, then we can implement them.
2) Stay Informed.  Read the news.  Read between the lines.  Understand the anti-Israel bias of most of the mainstream television news and newspapers.  Use the weblinks on this website to find excellent resources for truth that has not been filtered through the liberal press.
3) Tell your friends.  Inform your friends and co-workers about the situation in Israel.  Refer them this website.  Forward them websites from the links page so they can be informed.
4) Visit Israel.
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