Alternitively titled: Men that die in the prime of their lives in excessively violent or weird ways.

'Hello ladies' Byron says. 'Welcome to the lair of HOTNESS.'

Explanation of the crazyness

Alexander Hamilton
The Original Historical Hottie...he started it all...

Lord Byron

Robert Burns

The Marquis de Lafayette

Christopher Marlowe

Michelangelo's David
If you are horribly offended by artistic nudity, don't click...otherwise, go on and drool!

Franz Schubert

Percy Shelley

OK, so he's not exactly historical, but hey, he's still hot! tee hee!

Do you have a Historical Hottie whose beauty you would like to see imortalized? If so, email me!

Look! I joined some fanlistings for my favorite fictional historical hottie!

I think fictional historical hotties will be my next venture, so this is just the start!! Huzzah!

Take me back! I cannot handle the hotness!
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