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Yu-Gi-Oh: Card Combos

Double Reborn:
Play a Magician of Faith face down, play a monster reborn, flip the Magician, and grab the monster reborn and play it again. Doing this lets you put a extra of 2 more monsters on the field. Very good combo.

Destroy the hand:
Play card destruction, then play a Gravedigger ghoul. You just made them discard their hand and then you can take out 2 monsters they had from the game just incase a a monster reborn or something. This combo is OK, can be useful though sometimes.

Hand them up:
To play this combo, you must have a Hane-Hane and a Man Eater Bug. Flip Man Eater bug to use its effect, later flip Hane Hane to pick up Man Eater Bug so you can flip it later to use its effect twice!!

2000 LP? Yeah right!
When you use Mirror Wall, at each standby phase you must pay 2000 LP to keep it in. Heres a little trick I use once in a while, put down Solemn's Lawbook and when you pay the LP, you don't lose any because Solemn's Lawbook makes you skip your standby phase. So if you ksip your standby phase, you don't have to pay any LP and get to keep it in play a little longer :)
Combo By: Effect Duelist

Sorry, you can't attack!
This is a trick I learned from my friend, Lil Pimpster. Anywayz, this is what you do. You activate DNA Surgeory which makes all monsters into one monster-type of your choice. Change them all into Insects! Then play a little magic card called "Insect Barrier". It says all of your opponent's Insect monsters can't attack. There ya go! Turn them into insects and then play Insect Barrier. Kind of like a ever-lasting S.o.R.L. :)

Say buh-Bye!
Tailor of Fickle, Equip Card, Eternal Rest. Say if u equipped a Malevolent Nuzzler on your Summoned Skull and you want to finish the guy off but he/she has summoned a monster. you can tailor of fickle Malevolent Nuzzler to ur opponents monster and destroy it with Eternal Rest. then you can attack his LP if he/she only had that monster card you destroyed.
Combo By: Snake Eyes

The Jar of Destruction:
Morphing Jar #2 & Card Destruction: This is kinda cheap and has to be done at the right time
IF your opponent has about 40 cards then this combo would work and end the duel hehe
First, when u get morphing jar#2 and card destruction in your hand make sure your opponent has a few monsters on the field and a few turns have passed ( 5 or 4). Place Morphing Jar#2 face down defensive position and wait till he/she attacks you. when that happens, your opponent will have to draw a BUNCH of cards until he had the same number of monsters on the field and special summon them when that happens and he has about 20 cards in hand and 15 in deck, card destruction him. 1 more turn and he loses because he is unable to draw a card. JUST PRAY TO GOD HE WONT KILL YOU TILL THEN.
Combo BY: Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes Combo 3:
This combo should be performed as a desperate assault against your enemy if he has a Jinzo or Monster Reborned yours you need Change of Heart and Limiter Removal. you've probably firgured it out and its simple and great. you can Change of Heart his jinzo and limiter removal it will have 4800 ATK and you can attack his LP if he only had the jinzo he monster reborned or if he has a face up monster with low atk. (NOTE: Dont bother if he has a face down defensive monster unless you just want to attack and elimate the jinzo)
Combo By: Snake Eyes

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:
Deck Garage
Card of the Week
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Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Sets:
Legend of Blue Eyes
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharoah's Servant
Japanese cards

Yu-Gi-Oh TV Show:
Famous TV Cards
Episode Review
Episode Preview
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Yu-G-Oh Show Quiz
Character Decks

Video Games:
Dark Duel Stories

Click here for the Music & Gaming section of Dueling INC! Has a review, cheats/codes, and much more for Eternal Duelist Soul too!
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