Rocket's Hideout - The place for your Pokemon game and Pokemon TCG info, media, and pictures.  Plus more!

The site:
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Basic HTML Help
More coming soon.



Kaiba's Dueling Tower

Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Island

Anime World 5

Yu-Gi-Oh! Legends

Become one

Topsites: Yu-Gi-Oh! eXtreme Topsites

HTML help!

Ok, so your a new comer or just forgot something about HTML. Well, D.M. INC is being nice and telling some basic HTML codes and crap. So if you wanna know how to make a real website, not like a web builder one, this might help you!
Important! To make this stuff work, take out the *

To start a new line, put in <*br*>
To make word's bold, put <*b*> and to stop it, put <*/b*>
EXAMPLE: Heres a example of putting it in Bold letters
To put pics or words in middle of the page, put <*center*> and to end it, <*/center*>
To make word's in to different colors, it's <*FONT COLOR="Color name Here"*>, ending is <*/FONT COLOR="Color name Here"*>
Make word's bigger, <*FONT SIZE="Number here like 5"*>, ending is <*/FONT SIZE="Number here like 5"*>
EXAMPLE: This is font size 3
Putting pictures on is <*img src="file%20name%20here.html"*> But make sure you uploaded the image to your site or the picture will be broke and you can't see it!
Making word's italic is <*i*> to end, it's <*/i*>
EXAMPLE: Heres a example of putting words in italic.

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG:
Deck Garage
Card of the Week
Combo of the Week
How to play/Rules
Tournament Reports
Restrict List
Other HERE <---

Yu-Gi-Oh TCG Sets:
Legend of Blue Eyes
Metal Raiders
Magic Ruler
Pharoah's Servant
Japanese cards

Yu-Gi-Oh TV Show:
Famous TV Cards
Episode Review
Episode Preview
The Story...
Screen shots
Yu-G-Oh Show Quiz
Character Decks

Video Games:
Dark Duel Stories

Click here for the Music & Gaming section of Dueling INC! Has a review, cheats/codes, and much more for Eternal Duelist Soul too!
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